Do we have the right to judge god?

by mankkeli 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina
    "Do we have the right to judge god?..."

    Er, which one...?

    The one that's only 3,000 years old or so; the ones that are around 5,000 years old; the ones that are anywhere from 12,000 years old to 30,000 years old, or the goddesses that are around 200,000 years old - or older...


  • Botzwana

    If God is all powerful and all loving....He allowed my father to die on this Earth whom I loved more than anything else in the world. 8 years and I still cannot get over it. God had the power to keep him alive. God chose not to. Therefore I judge him for turning a blind eye to my suffering.

  • N.drew

    1.To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration

    2. To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation

    3. To pass sentence on; condemn.

    I think everyone should feel obligated to perform the first kind of judging.

    I think it is unwise to come to a quick determination and even worse to declare

    as the truth whatever one has determined.

    And of course the third definition, is obviously taboo.

    I believe that the search for god should last a lifetime, it is what Jesus means

    "take up your (cross) and continually follow".

    What that means is the end effects all of one's life. God knows our end.

    Some of you think tomorrow is nothing? It is something. Jehovah knows the end of us.

    Jesus says don't fear your (cross). Each decision a person makes changes tomorrow

    and ultimately changes The End. therefore changing each day of our life. For some it is for

    Satan (the majority), but for some it is for Christ. So to judge god is impossible for any human

    as there are countless variables to be considered.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Its a simple answer as far as I see it. Since thousands of children die everyday earthwide from hunger and disease and never even getting a chance to live life then I am simply left with no other choice but to judge god. Whether it is my right or not, I must judge! Wow did I just hear thunder?

  • gubberningbody

    Yes and you have no choice but to do so.

    In the account with Abraham and the 3 aliens/angels as "Jehovah" we read...

    Gen 18:23 - 25 : "..."Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? is unthinkable of you... Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?"

    Abraham judges the actions he believes "Jehovah" is planning on taking as "wicked".

    Later we read at Jas. 2:23 of Abraham : "...he came to be called "Jehovah's friend."

    Moses judged "Jehovah" in the wilderness when "Jehovah's" hot homicidal rage just about got the best of him at Ex. 32:10 when we read "So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate them, and let me make you into a great nation."

    Moses had to counsel this crazed alien and inso doing "judged" him.

    The parenthetical interpretations placed upon this scriptures are just so much Stockholm Syndrome gloss.

    The bible describes some bizarre and immoral stuff and much of this at the direction of this alien.

  • EntirelyPossible

    God knows our end.

    Well that's no real trick.

  • WTWizard

    I judge God by whether I would be better off (or worse off) without his activity. If he consistently does things that make me worse off, then he gets a horrible judgment from me--and I am not going to lie to improve his image to everyone else after making my life miserable.

  • Qcmbr

    Do we have the right to judge leprechauns?

    If you believe I guess you daren't and if you don't you judge the people who do.

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