One hypothetical example would be if I did something to better myself. Suppose I had the opportunity to quit my job, work for half what I am now making, and I could pious-sneer. I would also be held captive to the dingbat that dragged me into the cancer in the first place--with his stupid ideas on top of that of the religion. Life there would be dreary--no colors, no real music, no computer, no nothing. I would never have the opportunity to do anything worthwhile. Beyond that, the job would be worse than what I have now, on top of getting paid much less.
Now, suppose that instead of accepting that offer, I went online and found a nice business opportunity that, with hard work of a nature I could enjoy, I could become quite rich. The catch: I would have to move to New Zealand to take advantage of that opportunity, and there would be no more contact with the witlesses that dragged me into the cancer in the first place. I investigate that, and though there is a lot of hard work, I could pull it off. So I work toward that goal--getting my paperwork in order while learning about the business. With one final push of paperwork, I am able to get a loan for the move in New Zealand dollars. And, within a week of arriving, I get the business going and put everything I have into it. It is hard work, but within 6 months I have all the loans paid off and I am making about a million New Zealand dollars a year profit.
Which would the witlesses rather hear? They would be pxxxed if I took the second course and blew off the first. Even though I was getting nice stimulating work, even though I was able to live very comfortably after a few very stressful months, even though after a year I had the business running well enough to have a reasonable amount of time to actually enjoy the much New Zealand has to offer, they would be bumming. Why I would throw away a perfectly good opportunity to pious-sneer, live with the pig that dragged me into stagnation (and, for all I know, as good as set me up for sex with his then-8 year old nephew when I first joined the cancer)--and for what. A trip to New Zealand and a "worldly" business!
And, especially after a couple of years when the US becomes a full totalitarian country under the next president, they would rather hear that I threw away a fulfilling business opportunity (that is filling a need in a country with much to offer me), much profit and affluence, happiness, and freedom--and now, freedom from political oppression and major hardship as well as religious freedom. They would rather hear about how I gave all that up for Jehovah--who would give me nothing worthwhile in exchange. (And never mind if I am able to keep working until almost age 100, despite that the dingbat that dragged me into the cancer gets heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and dies before reaching age 60).