Did any of you guys have these at your book study?
Book study potlucks/treat-nights/ice cream soicals, etc.
by Joliette 24 Replies latest jw friends
Teary Oberon
Once a month in Teary's old congregation we would have pot luck treat nights. Yum! :D
Yeah brainwashed people are the best cooks ;)
Yes, we had treat nights.
I liked the treat nights. People stayed and talked more casually. Eating together builds good relationships. We even had treat nights at the book studies at the KH.
I am in several support groups and we have a treat night as well. It helps people open up.
yeah, those were the good old days................... along with competitive basketball games.
Those are the only things I miss.
Ex's study group had regular "treat nights", right up until the book studies were moved out of private homes and combined with the TMS meetings at the Kingdom Hall. That was a shame, she and the kids looked forward to it and had fun making new things to share when it was their turn to bring the goodies. Another innocent pleasure gone; yet agian it becomes more and more like working for Ebenezer Scrooge, Inc.
Since I was a kid in the 70s, treats after the BS was the main event! We always had sisters who loved to bake and other would bring stuff. On BS I attended many years later only did this once each month....everyone would bring food, sandwhiches, meatballs, all kinds of stuff, not just deserts. Sometimes a sister would have to jump up at the end to get something started, cooking, or baking. It was definately the best part of the time!!!
When I was young, there were treat nights, but then the CO came and put the kabosh to it. It was a time for study not socializing and there were other bookstudies that didnt do it - which caused some "envy" among brothers.
Yeah, we used to have congregation get-togethers and used to go to Magic Mountain back in the 70s. There were some grand weddings also complete with bands and booze. That all ended about the same time.
I thing the GB wanted to keep the Rank and File divided and isolated -- so much better to control them.
The counter-revolution
People smiling through their tears
Who can give them back their lives
And all those wasted years?
All those precious wasted years
Who will pay? -
I haven't been to a meeting since the 80's but the Book Study was held in my parents house, my mother used to call me and tell me about all the good food they had after the so called treat night, like chicken wings and lasagne was going to peak my interest to come back to Hall.