Missed this thread last time round.
Of course the GB are responsable teary, They just dont put it in writing.
Among the real purpose of the CO and DO is the dissemination of shit they wouldn't dare put in print. (among them some really far out assembly parts in the past)
Including the end of the bookstudy. These guys are the foot soldiers of the society, they spy out the land and report to HQ who send back the stratagy to combat things they don't like going on. The job of the CO is to 'spin' the new deal.
If the GB, the society or the elders were concerned about fuel usage of publishers all they have to do is cancel that waste of time feild service!
And naturaly, some strong willed congregations will find other ways to have pot lucks.
The change didn't produce what the spin said it was for either... how many jW families actually use the 'free time' to have family study?
It did produce what the spin lie was for.... less time to actually talk freely.