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by designs 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs


    I couldn't agree more, especially with the CO and DO and the DOs wife who gave experiences but never looked at the audience, in fact she spent most of her stage time looking down at the floor. Very much a give away that the internal mechanisms couldn't do the dirty anymore.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Why don't JW's just dress their women in burkas and be done with it. It fits their mentality.

    At the last convention I attended, a brother gave a talk saying that sisters needed to be "more aware" of their cleavage showing when brothers are bending over them to pass mics down the aisle. When the subject was discussed in the congregation several days later, I questioned why the brothers weren't being held responsible for not looking down the sisters' necklines when passing mics. Where was all that stuff about Job and his 'covenant with his eyes?' I said rather undelicately that there wouldn't be an issue if they kept their eyes on the mic and not my chest.

    Justitia Themis---a Jezebel W.A.W.

  • designs

    Jewish seductresses, how dare god make boobies attractive. These DOs really are putting the blame on simply looking female. Very twisted.

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