October 21st, 2011, the end of the world

by MrFreeze 27 Replies latest social current

  • sizemik

    God help us another one . . .

    Doomesday predictions come on a weekly basis now?

    It's getting more boring than the weekly global financial report, which is positively riveting by comparison.

    I will be fornicating with my fiancee from wednesday until sunday. This means we will not be raptured. . . . DogothUr

    Sounds like you'll be en-raptured . . . that's close enough

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    wash your mouth out heathen!!!!....the end is serious business....got guests to invite...music to organise AGAIN!!!...hey...maybe we could get your son to play size??? whatta ya reakon?

  • finallysomepride

    still have you organised the party for Friday yet? is it at you place this time?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Well.....I thought we could utilize party central since it's all set up and ready for action....do you want to bring the onion dip?

  • finallysomepride

    Ill bring the pizzas too

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    SWEET AZZZZZZZ!!!!!!....just waiting to hear back from size about the band...oh well....there's always dave dobyn and tim finn as a back up I suppose....maybe they could be sheds support act

  • finallysomepride

    what can monkey bring apart from fleas?

  • sizemik
    maybe we could get your son to play size??? whatta ya reakon?

    Absolutely! . . . they play like there's no tomorrow.

    The new EP is appropriately called "Steel Apocalypse" . . . there's a track on it called "Beer-fuelled Monkeys" . . . perfect for party central.

  • finallysomepride

    that will make shamus' day

  • JRK

    I think they are smart enough to forget the billboards this time.


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