October 21st, 2011, the end of the world

by MrFreeze 27 Replies latest social current

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Wellllll....I wasn't actually going to mention the party to shamus finallysomeprid....but if you must...he can bring the cheerios

    Sounds PERFECT size....can't wait!!!!

    JRK....REALLY????...you really think they are that smart??? LOL LOL

  • finallysomepride

    They most likely run out of loot last time to be able to afford billboards this time, but i could be wrong, again

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have a feeling they are saving the billboards for 2012....you know...the bigger bigger end of the world event

  • finallysomepride

    21 December 2012 actually I'm going out on a limb with this & I'm going to point to 24July 2012

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You'll have to get back to me with the numbers on that finallysomeprid...I wait..with baited breath....but right now..my brain is failing...I need zzzzzzz's....see you tomorrow haere ra

  • finallysomepride

    ok have nice zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • MrFreeze

    They logically wouldn't have billboards or preaching this time. The judgment occurred invisibly. The judgment has already been made. Therefore, no more reason to preach.

  • DagothUr

    Only 3 days left until Jeebus will rapture the faithful and end the system. Maybe it will be invisible too.

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