"There will be 0% Unemployment in Paradise"

by Sour Grapes 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bioflex

    Now this is one big problem. I have always wondered how one can live a perfect life time in this literal human world let alone for ever. I mean we all what its like to keep our feeling in check as humans being it toward material things ( like sex to be precise).

    lets consider this verse

    Mar_7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

    I wonder what would happen to those paradise citezens should they have even a slight unjust though, i guess thats when the grave diggers come in.

    What they teach is in direct contradiction to wha the bible says in this verse

    1Co_2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

    and i suppose we have already seen the best part of this earth, so how do they justify this scriptue.

    Them JW's surely annoys me, they are the same ones that cause others to criticize the bible.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Actually, a system without economic structure can't exist. Sure you can say "everyone will be perfect and thus altruistic" and describe a basically Soviet-type communistic system but there is that one big problem - free will. There will always be those that CHOOSE to benefit from other's work a bit more than others. And once one starts, the domino's start falling (as in any Soviet-type communistic system) as others want to get more for less too (which is typical for a hunter-gatherer creature) and you revert back to capitalism. That's also the reason that the philosophical idea of communism (which is great) differs from it's implementations (where you need a very militaristic government to keep your people under control).

    There is only one way that a Paradise or Heaven or whatever benefactoring afterlife could exist and that's one where free will is taken away. If God has intended that for us, then I don't want to live there.

  • flipper

    I thought like Jaguarbass - that people just lay around and pet tigers and do jumping jacks with rattlesnakes all day long in Paradise ! You mean we have to WORK ? Jesus- just destroy me at Armageddon ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • MrFreeze

    JW's say they don't believe in hell. Trouble is they do. They just call it "paradise".

  • NewChapter

    Lets say that we are in Paradise and I am a carpenter that builds

    houses, any you need a house built and you raise cows, how many

    cows will you pay me to build your house

    So we will be eating beef in paradise. Good to know.

  • MrFreeze

    NC, it could be for milk purposes.

  • blondie

    cows = first purpose they are raised for, milk, to make cheese and butter, etc. Cows are not raised for beef for that........(in fact that it the last thing that happens when they can no longer function as milk producers, sale as "meat" very old, and stringy meat)

    cattle = raised for meat purposes

    Thus cows could be raised since there is nothing wrong with eating cheese and butter, etc.

  • ballistic

    It doesn't make sense for the new system to be a capitalist society anyway does it? Paradise is definately communist. Paradise can't really sustain eternal bliss in the world of peaks and troughs in supply and demand. Our world today is too chaotic as a model for perfection. Likewise sex, I can't see that being eternal bliss, dare I say it, forever? Surely in this world it just serves as a distraction?.

  • NewChapter

    Thanks Blondie for clarifying the cow vs cattle distinction. I never thought of it that way.

    So we will be drinking milk in paradise then.

  • dgp

    Anony Mous:

    Sure you can say "everyone will be perfect and thus altruistic" and describe a basically Soviet-type communistic system but there is that one big problem

    Trust me on this one: a basically Soviet-type kind of thing is what you guys already have at the Kingdom Hall.

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