What is your truth?

by iamwhoiam 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iamwhoiam

    What is your truth since you left the WT?

    Im still in physically, but mentally left many years ago. I'm just in for my family as is the usual story. Anyways, my truth is this...

    The future and past do not exist except as concepts in the now. All there is...is the moment of now. What we choose to do in the moment of now affects the odds of what might happen in the future.

  • talesin

    We're born, we live, we die.

    How we choose to deal with the curves life throws at us, affects how we feel as we're going through the process.

    Hopefully the final demise is relatively swift and as pain-free as possible, less painful than life has been.


  • N.drew

    To post or not to post, that is the question


    Awareness is everything - it separates illusion from reality. The search for truth is a personal responsibility and sometimes the conclusions reached may not be the ones we had hoped for. It is sometimes easier to believe what we want to, rather than face reality. Reality is not always agreeable, but it is always truthful. There is truth in love. There is truth in the silent witness of nature, for it never lies, it simply is.

    Life has chosen to live in us therefore we were worthy of life before we were born. We should never surrender our birthright to gain the approval of those who claim that our right to life is dependent on membership of their club.

    We have already been invited to the banquet of life and it is free. The only qualification required is that we are alive and we are wonderfully alive.

  • AGuest

    I would tend to agree with all that dear Glad (peace to you!), posted, dear Iam (peace to you, as well!), with some slight differences:

    Life has chosen to live in us therefore we were worthy of life before we were born.

    Life has chosen to "live" in SOME of us. In others, however, death "lives." Which is why we see death come OUT of such ones, see it manifest THROUGH them. Thus, serial killers, war mongers, murderers... even [certain] religious leaders and others who sole vocation is to suck the life OUT of others...

    The only qualification required is that we are alive and we are wonderfully alive.

    While it is true that we are all alive... in that we are animated... that life is not always the same. If the only qualification is that we are alive... and wonderfully alive... then, again, many are very "dead." I would counter, then, that for life to truly be IN us... the qualification is faith... that he IS.

    Again, peace to you, both!

    A slave of Christ, the Life...


  • cantleave

    My Truth is to keep learning. To maintain an open mind in order to listen to, and evaluate evidence presented.

  • truthseekeriam

    My truth is I don't mind being ignored or shunned for being who I am, It beats being "loved" for being someone I'm not.

    I mean come on....how real is that "love" anyways?

  • 144001
    My truth is I don't mind being ignored or shunned for being who I am, It beats being "loved" for being someone I'm not. I mean come on....how real is that "love" anyways? -- truthseekerIam

    Now there's something worthy of saying "amen" to!

  • Giordano

    When I realized it wasn't the truth I also thought you'd have to be the village idiot to accept what was called the truth.....so what did that make me? I was young my wife was young and it took a while to reject those teachings and reconcile our feelings for freedom with our love of family members and close friends who were still in.

    We left in our early 20's and never looked back. My first new truth was get out by hook or by crook and take your loved ones with you. After leaving............ my next truth was that I was a gentle cynic who didn't care if there was a god or not. My truth says that the bible was written by men and was not inspired and god was a man made concept. My next truth was be responsibile but embrace life, read and learn. Cultivate good friends and live in a real community not a KH.


    AGuest: "I would tend to agree with all that dear Glad (peace to you!), posted, dear Iam (peace to you, as well!), with some slight differences:"

    Your posts are entertaining as always. Your view of the truth about life amounts to some huge differences.

    To me life simply is existence. To you, to truly be alive one must have a relationship with the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, Jaheshua the Chosen One of JAH... otherwise a person a person like me is deemed to be dead and just deluding himself into believing he is alive.

    I too have my illusions but I like to keep things simple. I am a slave of life who manages to maintain the illusion that I am alive and reincarnated as a gladiator. I even have the avatar to prove it.

    May your gods continue to be real to you and your faith never fail you.

    A slave of life.

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