“Why is it YOU also overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition?” -Matthew 15:3
Like the Pharisees, the Watchtower is overstepping the commandment of God because of tradition. How so? By fostering the idea that brothers who are spiritual cannot wear beards. A rule unpublished, brothers with beards cannot take the lead. What Scriptural support is cited? The organization admits there is no direct Scriptural support, and those with beards may enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School, comment at meetings, and participate in the field ministry; however, they turn around and present twisted logic to show why wearing facial hair likely will (and always does) jeopardize having any additional privileges. Basically, one with a beard can give a talk on the Theocratic Ministry School, but he cannot adjust the microphone for others who give talks. He can comment during a meeting, but cannot operate the sound system that allows others to comment as well.
For forty years, the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses believes facial hair is not becoming of a Christian minister, since very few in the professional community wear it. Thus, it is believed an unshaven, yet well groomed, Christian does not manifest proper grooming habits, is not reasonable nor modest, and will damage the consciences of weaker ones around him.
Yet, whose consciences are actually being stumbled? Those outside the congregation? Facial hair is acceptable to "worldly" individuals. Male facial hair is acceptable in all cultures. I have yet to discover an individual who chooses to listen to God’s Word only because the minister was clean shaven, or refuses because he wore a beard. It is widely viewed as nothing more than a man’s choice of grooming. Ironically, the only ones at risk of stumbling are the Christians in the congregation. But, would the consciences of these weaker ones be damaged had the Society not given birth and nurtured the idea that it’s wrong in the first place? Rather than building up consciences, have we actually spent the last forty years weakening the congregation to the point that a brother’s choice in facial hair can now stumble another Christian from learning about Jehovah? Apparently so!
What is it about a man’s facial hair, albeit properly groomed, that makes him so dangerous to the spiritual health of a congregation? Why do they continue to believe and enforce this tradition as a doctrine in God’s organization? Facial hair is natural. It is part of God’s creation. Inspired, the apostle Paul told Timothy: “Every creation of God is fine, and nothing is to be rejected.” (1 Timothy 4:4) But, they reject men because they choose to grow and groom their facial hair. The Watchtower has made those growing a beard spiritually dirty within a congregation, forgetting that Peter was emphatically warned: “Stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed.” (Acts 10:15) They reject the natural propriety that every man is due –a propriety written within his own genes and created by the very God we worship.
The refusal to use brothers with beards is unscriptural, but has become a tradition of men within the organization. Why is this so dangerous? Jesus told the Pharisees: “ Y OU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition. Y OU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU , when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matthew 15:6-9) It isn’t the brother with the beard that’s dangerous to the congregation; rather, it’s the unscriptural tradition we’re harboring. By following commandments of men, rather than focusing on the commandments of God, we allow our faith to be undermined and our consciences dictated by imperfect men who themselves are governed by their own flawed opinions. Even though such men may be well-intentioned, the Scriptures nevertheless warn: “to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” –Jeremiah 10:23.
Additionally, no matter how well-intentioned we may be, it is simply man’s nature to “dominate” others. (Ecclesiastes 8:9) Throughout history men have dominated others physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Sadly, people throughout the ages have been dominated and subdued by others who felt they knew what was best. However, God’s Word should be the basis for our guidance. The Bible gives us direction because it is authored by He who knows how to direct our step. (Psalm 119:105) Therefore, the Psalmist declares, “It is better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in nobles.” Why? Because salvation does not originate with men. It comes only by Jehovah. (Psalm 118:9; 146:3) Yet, where does Jehovah, through His Word, command a Christian not to grow a beard at all? Where in the Bible are we exhorted to judge a man by something as superficial as his choice of grooming? Such a command could only come from domineering, self-righteous men –inspired only by their own opinions and preferences.
Certainly, many men and women in the congregation are indeed stumbled today. Their stumbling is the result of men taking the lead who overstep their authority, become masters over another’s faith, and dictate regulations by their own conscience and opinions rather than sticking to the clear directions found in God’s Word. (1 Corinthians 1:24) Men, as well as women, of the rank and file of Jehovah’s Witnesses have voiced for decades that it is unloving and unscriptural to forbid brothers with beards from serving in the congregation. The insistence of this unscriptural tradition continues to stumble countless sincere Christians. Rather than build one up spiritually, this tradition tears down. Those who insist to perpetuate this tradition of men ignore the Bible’s admonition to serve “with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering, putting up with one another in love”. (Ephesians 4:2) Rather than being lowly in mind, modestly recognizing that their own opinions cannot be counted upon to guide others, those taking the lead pharisaically insist on dictating a man’s choice of grooming, and enforce it by preventing spiritual men from being used in the congregation unless they conform to this unscriptural tradition.
Jesus said his disciples would be known and identified for having “love among [them]selves” (John 13:35) Who, then, is exhibiting such love? Aren’t those who disagree with this tradition, but humbly submit to it only to keep peace, exhibiting greater love than those who take the lead and demand conformity to it? Jesus concluded his lesson to the Pharisees: “it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man.” (Matthew 15:11) The rank and file are judging men simply by the hair that comes out of one's face, and are ignoring the defiling hypocrisy that comes out of the mouths of those taking the lead.
Feels good to finally get that off my chest...