Thanks all for the warm welcome!
Ha! No I don't have a beard. I did write the Society a few years ago about the issue. They give jurisdiction to the local bodies to decide (...who of course speak on behalf of the Governing Body.) A few years later, I did grow a beard for a couple of months to see what would happen. Actually, the congregation was split... some liked it, some didn't. The ones who didn't said it was unacceptable because it was "worldly." You all know the drill... same story everywhere...
I saw Worlds Apart serveral months ago. I liked the movied, and noticed the beards as well, but always knew it was acceptable in other countries. It's acceptable in this country among everywhere NOT a JW.
There aren't any articles anywhere stating beards are unacceptable. That's the thing... no clear directive, but dogmatic control over the congregation. The elders can't cite a reference other than their own feelings on the matter. That's dangerous for the poor publishers in the congregation who just follow their marching orders.
Amen Quendi... amen.
I'm glad to finally have an outlet to vent. Speaking one's mind is a dangerous thing in the congregation... especially with the apostate witch hunt going on.