Why would God be racist?

by mankkeli 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jaguarbass

    God chose the Jews to record their history and to give to man the story and salvation of Jesus.

    As far as I can tell there are black Jews and chinese Jews.

    That is of course assuming that the narrative actually a factual recording of the will of an all powerful being, which I find quite a bit more than questionable.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thats a thought provoking question mankkeli...indeed...why would he choose one race or family...was the rest of the world really that bad? Really??

    And since Jesus came to enable 'others' to come to God...what sort of reasoning could you have for not supporting or encouraging others before him? Where there NO honest hearted people outside of Abrahams family?

    What made them so special? It doesn't seem to have been based on their behaviour OR their faith....In fact, given all the things God did for them they had a suprisingly low level of faith.

    Maybe it comes down to luck...and genetics...maybe...if you are a descendant of Seth you are lucky...if you are a descendant of Cain...sorry...to bad. What a crap way of chosing...no thought at all for individuals...all about genetics.

    sorry, more questions than answers...but you have got me thinking

    TTWSYF...interesting observation....what purpose do you think it would have if it were from a supernatural source? I mean...has it been done to cause confusion?....Do you think this shows they really were the chosen people? or do you have some other reason in mind?

  • transhuman68

    The archaeological records show that nothing unusual ever happened in the tiny kingdoms of Israel and Judah. All we are left with is a book of stories. There is no evidence of Jehovah, Solomon, Abraham or angels killing 185,000 men etc. Why aren't we worshipping Isis or Apollo? The Hebrew god made more sense...somehow...

  • talesin

    G*d is created in man's image --- some of the men who create g*ds are racist, thus their creations reflect their values.


  • dgp

    If a god had created all peoples, but He (it's invariably a He) had chosen only one people, and not exactly the most numerous one, would that god not be something of a xenophobe?

    After creating all races and choosing only one people, would an omniscient god reject his own previous decision and then choose everyone?

    In my humble opinion, God created no races and no peoples. But some guys in Canaan decided they were more special than all the other peoples who have considered themselves special, and they put that in writing. Later on, some guys who were not of the *Special* Class, a.k.a. Gentiles, decided that they were *Special* after all, and pictured that God just as they were: white.

    In a country that I won't identify, where people do not usually have blue eyes, Jesus is thought to have blue eyes. That is what these people learned from those who gave them Christianity.

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