Wonderful news about Ali....and something to warm your heart

by coffee_black 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    As I have posted, my daughter Ali has been in the Cardiac Intensive Care unit since Thursday. Her BP, heartrate and blood sugar went sky high, due to horrible coughing spells from a chest cold that left her gasping for air.

    She has congestive heart failure, and has been treated for almost a year now. She has improved over that year, but this was a real setback.

    Ali called me today with amazing news. She is no longer in CICU, but in a regular room. (this happened a couple of days ago) She will be released in a couple of days. Through all of this, her Ejection fraction has actually gone up. She does have a tiny leak in a valve, but the dr. told her that as her heart improves....and becomes less enlarged, it will not be as streached as it is now... and may actually improve over time on its own.

    The best news is this...and here it is in Ali's own words...posted on facebook just a little while ago.

    "Best news ever! My cardiologist just came in and is going to see me for free for the next two years, since he doesn't accept Medicaid and Medicare wont kick in for two years. Especially since there are no specialists that accept medicaid. I love this man. He is my angel!!!! May his life be rich in blessings for helping lil ole me be around for my kids. Dr J. I love you!!! When I got sick I had great insurance but after having to quit working I got Medicaid which in reality is like having no insurance. My cost of care yearly is extremely high, this is such a generous and kind thing to do."

    Ali is on disability because of her heart condition.


  • Ding

    Wow, that is good news!

    Glad to hear it.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    This brought tears to my eyes. You and Ali and Dr. J are amazing. I am so happy for your good news!!!

    All my best.

    Reopened Mind

  • tec

    Yes, tears to my eyes as well! Thank you for sharing this, Coffee. Wonderful!!!!

    Peace to you and Ali (and little ones),


  • dgp

    Great news, Coffee. My best wishes for you and for Ali's recovery.

    And, this doctor has a good heart. My best wishes for him as well.

  • mrsjones5

    Yay!!! What a wonderful doctor! What a blessing! I'm so happy for your daughter.

  • botchtowersociety
  • darthfader

    Wow.. Simply amazing, a Cardiologist with heart! (sorry I just had to).

    What great news.



  • sizemik

    That's heartwarming for sure . . .

    All the very best.

  • Mary

    That is wonderful news Coffee! A question though: what is the difference between Medicare and Medicade? Why do they not accept Medicade?

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