2 year old in China run over-people just walk by

by PaintedToeNail 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Ponos said: Mary, You are comparing apples to oranges. It is extremely dangerous for a normal citizen when no equimpment or training to go on an active subway track and attempt to lift a 200 pound human safety. That should only be attempted by a professional. I'm sure someone called for help. In this situation there was no risk in helping this little girl.

    Perhaps you should read my original post Ponos: No one called for help and no one attempted to help the guy. He was killed when the subway ran him over. What would have been the humane thing to do is that 3 or 4 strong backs that were also waiting for the subway to lift the guy up the platform where others who were standing there could have helped pull him to safety. Please don't give me that crap that trying to save someone's life in such a situation "should only be attempted by a professional"; there was no time for the professionals to be called out.

    The point you seem intent on denying is that such a thing can and has happened in a non-atheist land, which is absurd. I am not an atheist but your foaming-at-the-mouth rant on the subject is what gives believers a bad name. Get your head out of your ass and try looking at the big picture.

  • Norcal_Sun

    That poor little girl. When I was a witness I would have said that she would be resurrected and all would be made right. Now I have no idea if there is an afterlife and it makes these kinds of stories just heartbreaking.

    Which makes me think.. I am pretty sure an atheist person values life even MORE than someone who believes in God... because they think that this is our only shot and best make the most of it. I mean how ignorant to blame atheism for this!!

    And yes it does happen in "god fearing christian nations" here is an example of police and firefighters standing around while a man drowned in the san francisco bay http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/15/BACO1LHPP5.DTL

    this just happened on memorial day.

  • james_woods
    Which makes me think.. I am pretty sure an atheist person values life even MORE than someone who believes in God... because they think that this is our only shot and best make the most of it. I mean how ignorant to blame atheism for this!!


  • cofty

    PP - To use this situation to have a pop at athiesm is ignorance on an epic scale. China has strange social habits - little wonder after centuries of state control. If you want to see how amazing a society can work without god look to Scandanavia.

  • clarity

    I'm so shocked. That little body laying there ... with no rescue.

    No driver stopped or went around her even!!!!!!!

    Like a piece of refuse or runover dog ... ignored!!!!!

    And then finally ... along comes a female (not a woman) and is oblivious to her massive injuries, just tries to plunk the body into a sitting position ...WTF what sort of chinese medicine is that?

    OMG ..... that little baby was still alive and concious


  • FlyingHighNow

    When I fell last week walking out of a store, and was bleeding profusely from a gaping gash on my forehead, calling for help, some people passed me by. It is my feeling that they were in stunned disbelief. They walked up on a surreal, unexpected situation. Finally, a man did make sure I got help. And people assume someone else will stop. People in shock do strange things.

  • Mary
    When I fell last week walking out of a store, and was bleeding profusely from a gaping gash on my forehead, calling for help, some people passed me by.

    Oh now come on FlyingHigh; we all know that could not possibly have happened because you don't live in a godless communist country (yes, I say that with tongue in cheek).

    Seriously though, I'm glad you're okay but once again I have to ask: WTF is wrong with people? Why, or how could you just walk by someone on the street who is in obvious need of medical attention? I just don't get that. Perhaps the last episode of Seinfeld is closer to the truth than what we think.

  • PaintedToeNail

    @Nomad-the little girls mother, it was reported, was retrieving the family laundry. Children escape their homes/shops or wherever they maybe. I'm sure the mother has retrieved her laundry a million times and nothing bad happened. Perhaps even someone else was watching her at that moment and turned away for a second. There appear to be shops lining the street, the family probably lived above one of the shops at night and worked there during the day.

    To everyone else-it was also reported that this ignoring behaviour is typical in China. They have a saying something to the effect of 'If you didn't cause the accident, why would you ever help the person?'. This tidbit of info was off the same news article. To me, it seems as if life is cheap in Asia, when you consider the number of children killed in munitions factories, shoddily built schools, child labor injuries, to say nothing of the adults. It was reported that China has no animal protection laws, communities with no compassion for animals always have compassion problems with people. They go hand in hand.


  • Snoozy

    It's funny that the first thing I thought when reading the post headline was I bet it was a girl..

    People can be so cruel sometimes..


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    My parents visited china a few years ago, and evidently they have a very different worldview than the west. Life IS cheap in Asia. In fact, they passed a pedestrian/bus accident, where basically the bus driver just got out, moved the body to the side of the road and kept on truckin'.... At least he had the decency not to run the person over entirely....

    As bad as thing do get in the US, I'm glad I was born here.

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