2 year old in China run over-people just walk by

by PaintedToeNail 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    That is one of the most screwed up things I have ever seen. I understand there is a low regard for human life over there since it is so "abundant", but how do we explain the woman who walks by holding her daughter's hand, looking down at this little girl, and they just keep going? Obviously she cares for her own daughter but not anybody else's. Very disturbing.

  • nugget

    This is a truly horrific story and in any other culture the question of where was the mother would have been the first question asked.

    There is a psychological process called bystander intervention which seeks to explain why no one intervenes. The more people who potentially witness an incident the less likelly it is that anyone will render assistance. You would assume that this cannot happen that people would come to the aid of someone being attacked or injured but often people do not, they assume that someone else has done so and they do not want to get involved. You would feel that if a child is involved then this should not happen but it did.

    Some are judging a whole race based on the actions of a limited number of people in a poor neighbourhood. Perhaps we should be asking what is so bad in their lives that they can appear unmoved by this human tragedy? What must their lives be like so that they are hardened to human suffering? We are judging them because we are comfortable and have a set of moral values as a result of the culture we live in our attitudes are shaped by this. To suggest that all Chinese have lower standards because they are atheists is too simplistic, atheism does not necessarily mean uncaring and not all Chinese would have behaved in the same way.

    The danger is in distancing ourselves from the actions of others as if their behaviour is an aberration however we all have the potential to behave badly let us hope that if this ever happened near us we would do better.

  • therevealer

    Yes horrific - But read this link and it can sort of explain "why" it could happen. Because of different cultures and conditions we can not even begin to understand - The van that hit her keeps going even though it requires giving it the gas to get the back wheels over her and then the other van literally runs over her - it shatters our sensibilities. But it is a sad thing that in this world different cultures have different values of/on life.


  • PaintedToeNail

    I just read that this little baby is brain dead. Her mother is fervently hoping for her to somehow wake up. I also read that this poor little girl lay in the street,in a pool of her own blood, crying, for 10 minutes. She would have probably been OK if the original driver hadn't decided to run over her a second time. The woman who finally did help her was a homeless person, according to news reports. What a good woman.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    The whole thing just makes me feel sick.

    Interesting it was the homeless woman that helped...maybe its because she isn't part of 'society' so not controlled by it's behaviour and constraints. Maybe she is the true free spirit amongst the slaves.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Seriously though, I'm glad you're okay but once again I have to ask: WTF is wrong with people? Why, or how could you just walk by someone on the street who is in obvious need of medical attention? I just don't get that. Perhaps the last episode of Seinfeld is closer to the truth than what we think.

    I'm not that okay.

  • DagothUr

    I'm an Atheist and never killed anyone. And I think Christians are the last people on Earth who should speak about preserving life.

  • MissingLink

    This is horrible, and I've seen this sort of thing myself in Ireland (a very Christian nation) only a couple weeks ago. I was stuck in traffic for 10 mins and when I finally reached the end of it I saw the cause. A woman had rolled her car, got out and was holding her head and leaning on the car. The car was off the road, the reason for the traffic was people slowing down to have a good look. There must have been a hundred cars at least pass her and see that she was injured, but none of these stopped to help the injured woman. I did. I helped her into my car so she could sit down and called an ambulance. BTW - I'm an atheist who sees how precious life is now that I no longer believe that we get another one when we die.

    I don't think it's right to jump to the conclusion that the incident with the child was sexist. I don't think people were looking at the child, making a gender distinction and using that to base their action/inaction. If anything (I really hope), maybe they saw it and thought it was a doll, and not a person.

    The 2nd horrible thing here is PP. He/she can't even get the basic facts right. Almost 1/3 of Chinese are NOT atheist. But I don't really think things like "facts" matter to people like PP.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Did you count how many times she was run over?

    Two vehicles ran her over!

    My blood ran cold.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    FHN is NOT okay, yet.

    I saw a photo of her that would win a Halloween contest.

    Poor thing.

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