Interesting Thread..I still like the Video..
Most of us old school Dubs are a few decades older than Laura..
We wouldn`t have taken the same approach..
She managed to put a new twist on the game..She wore a tee shirt and sat quietly..
It was everyone around her that had a fit..
No doubt the yonger JW`s were watching how the older JW`s reacted..Kid`s today aren`t stupid..
I wonder how many young JW`s Laura reached that day..Even if it was a few it was worth it..
I suspect theres going to be more young JW`s that see the Video..
Some of them will identify with Laura..
Laura is the Rosa Parks of her Generation of JW`s..
There comes a time when the Older Generation..
Needs to step back and let the YoungBloods do what they need to do..
They are the ones more likey to get their own JW generation out of the cult..Not us older ones..
Complaining that she didn`t do things our way won`t change that..