How could the cops make you leave if you weren't doing anything illegal and were in a PUBLIC BUILDING?
Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!
by serenitynow! 107 Replies latest jw friends
"I'd rather be part of them than..." You're giving into the dialectic, dude. That's just what extremists on both sides want. Sometimes when both sides insist you "take a stand" and "get off the fence" the best way you can take a stand against BOTH sides is not to take EITHER! I mean, isn't that what Christ did, ultimately? OK, he did "The Father's Will"... but HIS UNDERSTANDING of it, not THE PHARISEES'.
Flying Spaghetti Monster vs. Invisible Pink Unicorn. Take a side now, dammit! THIS IS CRUCIAL AND YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!
Or grab some popcorn and watch the fight, I guess.
.you know better than to behave like that
By that I mean, she knows as a former Witness what is considered typical behavior at an assembly hall. She must have realized that this would be offensive to the people she claims to miss and love. There are more effective ways to accomplish the same thing. Did she really think this would convince her family to see her in a better light? This scares people the other way and plays into the whole notion that anyone who disagrees with the WT becomes mentally diseased. I understand the need to do something and wake people up .I'm just stating my opinion based on every JW I know, I think this kind of thing just confirms their convictions about apostates.
Judicial Committee
Give me a break, I for my part would never west foot back into a Kingdom Hall! To me it is paramount to going back to Jones Town and drinking the KoolAid again, just seeing the inside of the Kingdom Hall on your presentation made me nauseated, everyone in a trace like state, their all a bunch of Mo Mo’s.
Disagree and act like an ass - you're a tool of Satan.
Disagree respectfully and be a total sweetheart - you're still a tool of Satan.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I've done both. No more regrets either way. I act like an ass much of the time here (it's where I come to vent) and I act like a sweetie much of the time IRL. If you deny that you do any different, you're just as delusional as the Dubs.
Reality is not always pretty but you do what you have to do to cope, survive, and keep your sanity.
...and, sometimes, your loved ones, including your kids...
XYZ, I know better to behave like that? Like what? There was nothing wrong with my behaviour. The CA was open to the public, I wore a tshirt that said to think for yourself. What about that do you find so terrible? And let's be honest, as a JW I, like other JWs would approach anyone, even disturb them while we knew they were spending Christmas with their family. But a JW has a problem when someone intrudes in an assembly hall on their "holy days"? Oh, the delicious irony!
What we did was covered by our right to freedom of speech. The same laws that allow JWs to bother people in their homes also protects me. I don't get why you're so angry. Are you an exJW?
What we did was covered by our right to freedom of speech. The same laws that allow JWs to bother people in their homes also protects me. I don't get why you're so angry. Are you an exJW?
Yes, I'm an Ex JW but I still have affection and empathy for those individuals...those real people who view the meetings and assemblies as a haven from the scary world. As a whole they are vulnerable and trusting people who should be able to meet in their place of worship without someone intentionally going there to score some point against them and post a mean spirited video about it on the internet. Who of them (or us here who have never met you) could really be certain how far you would have gone to make your point that day? I guess I'm still just that loyal to the way of life I was raised in, to still want to come to their defense. They knock on people's doors at inappropriate times and distrub them, but it isn't their main intent and they certainly don't video tape it and post it for others to have a laugh at. It sounds pretty childish to point a finger at them and their offenses to justify your actions. I think it's time for me to leave this site....I've been really thinking about it lately. I am not a JW but I'm definetly not an apostate....that's their word. I'm just someone who used to be a Witness yet still wants to live a life where kindness and love are at the forefront of my actions as much as possible.
Ex-JW but not an apostate?
You really think so? You really think the Sanhedrin thinks so?
You are kidding yourself, man. You may not view yourself that way, but trust me, those in power do. At least potentially. "Once you stop actively supporting the preaching work, you are on Satan's side. There is no middle ground". Not a word-for-word quote, but almost. I'll find the quote. It was in a "study" mag just a couple of issues ago.
Better dead than Red!
Are you free to say where this assembly was?