Who's Bringing Reproach on Jehovah's Name NOW?

by headisspinning 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • headisspinning

    This thought isn't fully formed, but maybe someone can expand on it...

    I've been keeping an eye on the situation developing with Steven Unthank's case against the WT in Australia - how they have completely disregarded the law about child abuse registry checks for elders - and it seems to be that they've done the very thing we all lived in fear of doing: Bringing reproach on Jehovah's name.

    They talk about how if JW's engage in wrong conduct they are bringing reproach on God's name, or how Satan has heaped reproach on Jehovah's name... well, it seems to me they are doing an awfully good job of it themselves...

    In addition look at the qualifications for an elder as laid out in 1 Timothy... with these words in mind, it seems to me the GB have since disqualified themselves...

    1 Timothy 3:1-7
    1 It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.
    2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
    3 not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money.
    4 He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity
    5 (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?),
    6 and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil.
    7 And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.


  • ABibleStudent

    I agree with you headisspinning, but how do you get 7 million+ active JWs to use their brains to start questioning the GB and the WTBTS? The GB and WTBTS is very good at indoctrinating JWs. I feel that more would be accomplished by writing to news organizations to expose the conduct of the WTBTS and to politicians to pass laws to prohibit giving dangerous cults tax exemptions and/or contributions, then to show an active JW the truth about their "Truth".

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • headisspinning

    I thought this information on 'brazen conduct' out of the Flock book on page 60 was particularly fitting consider the WT/GB 'disregard for... laws and authority' which in the case of child abuse laws 'violates all bounds of what is socially acceptable'...

    9. Brazen conduct, loose conduct : (Gal. 5:19) The Greek word translated "brazen conduct," or "loose conduct," is a·sel'gei·a... Another lexicon defines a·sel'gei·a as conduct that "violates all bounds of what is socially acceptable." Rather than relating to bad conduct of a somewhat petty or minor nature, "brazen conduct"describes acts that reflect an attitude that betrays disrespect, disregard, or even contempt for divine standards, laws, and authority.

    I would say completely ignoring laws put in place to protect children is far from socially acceptable and indicates a disrespectful, comptemptuous attitude towards Caesar's laws and authority = BRAZEN conduct

  • Theredeemer

    Hey there Headspinning!...Im particularly shocked that they, in a way, denied the existance of the FDS!....Too bad no one in the states knows of anything happening over there. I guess it wouldnt matter anyway unless the media really took hold of it.

  • straightshooter

    Sadly the media usually leaves the WTS alone. And jws listen to the WTS as the communication from God. Therefore most jws have no idea what actually the WTS does. The WTS try to always silence any cases deterimental to its interests.

  • headisspinning

    Well, we have the power to make that happen. I mean, it was the initiative of one of our very own board members who got the 'mentally diseased' story to the media and it spread like wildfire. My 9 year old daughter saw the coverage on Yahoo! and showed it to her JW dad and brother and that was here in Canada... Im pretty sure the initial contact with the media started in the UK...

    Is there any reason why the same couldn't be done with the story in Australia? Ignoring laws put in place to protect children from sexual predators is a pretty big deal - I think it's worthy of international news because the same laws should be in place in Canada and the US as well. If media picked up the story then the denial of the existence of the Faithful & Discreet Slave could covered off and any active JWs innocently reading the story would be hit with the facts!!!

    Anybody feel like taking this on?

  • headisspinning

    I believe Cedars got the ball rolling with Jerome Peters(?) at the Independent with the previous story... maybe the same reporter could be contacted?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Who's Bringing Reproach On Jehovah's Name NOW?

    Without a doubt.........WTBTS!

    Thats' why the scripture says (1 Peter 4:17) that when the 'Day Of Judgment' comes, Jesus is going to kick some ass first with those who claim to serve him........WTBTS included!

    In due time the self-righteous, law breaking, tax evading, child molesting, money hungry, disfellowship happy, shunning happy and no-blood Christian counterfeiters who call themselve WTBTS will get theirs! Yeah Baby!

    Headisspinning, good thread.

  • Quendi

    Australia is thousands of miles away and on the opposite side of the planet from New York. Furthermore, its population is less than that of several American states. So that means very few American Witnesses know about the Victoria court cases and the rest of the world is equally ignorant. The international news media have not discussed the story either. It wouldn't surprise me if it never gets any mention in the mainstream media.

    That being the case, the WTS figures it is safe. When pedophilia and child sexual abuse scandals erupted in the Roman Catholic Church, the news media gave the stories extensive coverage. But the RCC has some one billion communicants, one-seventh of Earth's population. The WTS and its seven million publishers, by contrast number only one-tenth of one percent of the planet's population. As such, it isn't a big enough organization to attract the adverse publicity the world media could cast upon it. Since Witnesses are taught to regard any other news source outside WTS control with deep suspicion, the vast majority will never learn of the Australian outrages and so won't question the authority and legitimacy of the Governing Body. It will take a determined group of reporters and equally dedicated news editors to give this story the attention it deserves.


  • headisspinning

    I disagree. Cedars has already worked wonders. I know he already just launced jwsurvery.org...

    Come back Cedars... we need you again!!

    OR somebody tell me what to do or who to contact in Canada!

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