Who's Bringing Reproach on Jehovah's Name NOW?

by headisspinning 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I wrote earlier that I thought Unthank's victory should get press coverage. JWs are insignificant but the themes underlying the action can apply to any large, very controlled religion. Quakers never had many followers in England or America. Yet they had enormous influence in abolition of slavery and other social justice causes. The case can be used to illustrate issues that cross denominational barriers. Are a few issues so compelling that government regulation is absolutely necessary and ordinary free exercise rules should not be applied?

    Neutral laws of general applicability can be applied even though the American free exercise of religion standards are so extraordinarily high. Polygamy is illegal. It doesn't matter if you are a Mormon. You could go to prison -- if authorities decide to prosecute. Native Americans have been using peyote for countless centuries yet it was outlawed successfully. The federal government would not approve its use even for small and monitored Native American rituals.

    People are always talking about being in the world but not of the world. When are your religious practices too dangerous to be allowed? A valid religion could call for murdering people (Manson). You go to prison or you die. It doesn't matter that the murder was a religious imperative.

    What about letters to the editor, esp. in smaller communities?

  • smiddy

    Jehovah`s Witnesses in australia are a minority sect outside of mainstream religion with some unorthodox beleifs,eg:

    No blood transfusions

    No involvement in politics

    No xmas

    no easter

    no birthday celebrations

    None of their children to be involved in competitive sports at school

    Discourage higher education

    Do not criticize those taking the lead over you

    Do not criticize the organization

    Obey obey obey

    Beleive every word we say ,even when we are proved wrong, beleive we are right

    New light is not because we were wrong in what we said didn`t eventuate ,it`s because what eventuated wasn`t what we said ???what eventuated

    Lying is nothing more than theocratic warfare,theocratic warfare is nothing less than lying ,ethical conduct,truth has nothing to do with it,what we tell you is gospel,so dont even argue about it ,or you will be either disfellowshiped or disassociated from the true congregation of jehovahs witnesses which by the way doesn`t even exist in victoria or even in australia


  • DesirousOfChange

    Sadly the media usually leaves the WTS alone.

    What JWs do only matters to .01% of the population.

    While "Armageddon Sells Newpapers", JW News in the paper just makes you yawn.


  • james_woods
    Quakers never had many followers in England or America. Yet they had enormous influence in abolition of slavery and other social justice causes.

    The Quakers arguably have a much more noble set of religious credentials than the witnesses - they are mostly known for conservative pacifism.

    The Witnesses are best known for false prophecy.

    Come to think of it, they have pretty much indelibly linked their god-name Jehovah to false prophecy. How's that for reproach?

  • Mary
    Australia is thousands of miles away and on the opposite side of the planet from New York. Furthermore, its population is less than that of several American states. So that means very few American Witnesses know about the Victoria court cases and the rest of the world is equally ignorant. The international news media have not discussed the story either. It wouldn't surprise me if it never gets any mention in the mainstream media.

    30 years ago maybe. But there is a wonderful little thing now called 'the internet' that changed all that. That's how you and I are reading about it right now whereas years ago, we wouldn't have known anything about it. Did any of us ever think that the WTS would be featured on Dateline or 20/20? No of course not. Yet they were. The problem is is that they think they're untouchable and somehow protected by Jehovah. Well, they're finding out that they're not and He's not.

    Should be very interesting to see where this all goes......

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