WT Flip-Flops on Jesus’ Inspection… Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?

by Alfred 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • outsmartthesystem

    Everyone has pretty much just nailed it. Cognitive dissonance at its core. Reminds me of my father in law. The man has been a witness for 30 years. He quit his job 20 years ago and claimed disability. He won't admit it (because it would be admitting fraud...basically) but the reason he did so was so that he could give his all to Jehovah as the system winds down. He has poured his heart and soul into this religion. He has spent tens of thousands of dollars he didn't have trying to give to the organization and help others out. He runs himself into the ground (health-wise) going out in service....making shepherding calls.....being on hospital visitation committees.....being on the RBCs etc etc. He is far past the point of no return. If God himself visited the man and told him the organziation was nothing more than a cult......he would say that it must have been Satan posing as God. At this point in his life (mid 60s) he simply HAS to believe. He has no retirement. He won't be able to afford his house payment once the disability $ runs out.......he has given EVERYTHING to this damned organization. Believing (for him) is not an option.

    I feel sorry for him.....yet I loathe him. This is the same man that bombards my wife with daily "encouragement" to stay "strong in the faith".

  • NVR2L8

    Outsmartthesystem: If God himself visited the man and told him the organziation was nothing more than a cult......he would say that it must have been Satan posing as God.

    This is one of the most powerful statement I have read on this site! It goes back to the question used by another poster to debunk the JWs - if God wanted to tell you that you are prisoner of a cult, how would he do it? As it is now all truths filter throught the GB of the FDS and their own interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Even when a Scripture contradicts their teaching (Rev 19:1 as an example) they have an explanation that make the R&F believe without question. Even God couldn't convince a JW that he is following men.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    On the topic of elderly JWs, I agree that we shouldn't push them but if they want to know why we're doing what we're doing, I don't see anything wrong with being honest. My parents have both gone inactive thanks to sharing the truth about the Borg with them. They have an advantage being elderly in that they use their failing health and twilight years as an excuse for their inactivity so they're not shunned very much and certainly not formally. Unlike me, who quit in the prime of my "making spiritual progress" and lost every friend I had aside from my wife.

    I lean toward freedom with pain over slavery in lies and ignorance - even with the elderly.

  • MrMonroe

    NVR2L8: So right.

  • JWdaughter

    This is a great thread.I haven't seen a JW in over a year, and have an agreement to not discuss this with my mom, but wow, can't put that stuff down. I am really interested in the Michael/Pope connection. What's that all about?

  • Alfred

    JW Daughter...

    It's nothing really... the book "Finished Mystery" (1917) mentions on page 188 that Michael the Archangel is the Pope...

    What's more significant, though, is that this book is what the JWs were distributing in many countries when Jesus supposedly came down to the earth in 1918 to inspect all religious denominations... but it contains 600 pages of lies, false predictions and completely made-up BS. It even categorically predicted that the destruction of all religions would occur in April 1918... But somehow, JWs are led to believe that this book was "meat in due season"... (see also the DVD that was districuted last year during the District Convention... Faith In Action... this DVD actually praises this book)

    By the way, I have a thread on this book that might interest you... (search "Finished Mystery - The Book That Jesus Approved)

  • ShadesofGrey

    Wow. Thanks for all of the work Alfred!

    I have a question for all JWs: So where was Jesus in 1918? 1919? Where? Really?

    Matthew 24: 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. 26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

    i think this belief about jesus' inspection will eventually fade simply by mentioning it less and less. They are already doing this. When I first started researching without using "apostate" material, it took me a while to even find any significant mention of 1918 or 1919.

    You may find this quote of interest also:

    "On arriving to inspect the 'slave' in 1918, Christ found a spirit-anointed remnant of faithful disciples who since 1879 had been using this journal and other Bible-based publications to provide spiritual 'food at the proper time.' He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or 'slave,' and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings." - w07 4/1 p. 22 par. 5

    Interesting that they refer to the SLAVE as a "spirit-anointed remnant" and as a "collective instrument" when the truth is that in 1918-1919 CT Russell was believed to the "FDS" all by his little, ol' lonesome self. No others need apply. Nothing like a little revisionist history!

    Great Point 00DAD!

    Peace to you,


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Can you imagine a CO coming to a JW congregation for the first time to inspect it and the only JW trachings they had right was no Trinity, no hellfire, and no immortal soul? Holy hell would break out. Do you think Brooklyn would give them 100 years to get it right? No way....the WTS would DF them for apostacy and the congregation dissolved. Jesus choosing the WTS as the true religion in 1918 and putting up with their history of constant flip-flops and nuttiness for almost 100 years? You have got to be shitting me!

    Think About It

  • wobble

    Oh boy, Think About It, if only we could get JW's, especially our own families, to Think about it !

    I sent my nephew (Uber-dub Elder, but nice guy) a letter with all the kind of thoughts and references on this thread ages ago, and asked him to think about it, I mentioned to his mother (Nazi-Uber-dub) that he had been a long time replying, and she said "I don't think you will get a reply".

    Sad, but they have sold their soul and their mind to the WT . Get a JW to think ? Nah. Their critical thinking skills are safely locked in Brooklyn.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I believe they also said the Two Witnesses in Sackcloth" in Revelation were the Old and New Testaments.

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