How can a rational thinking person continue to believe in these cult leaders!
WT Flip-Flops on Jesus Inspection Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?
by Alfred 79 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am impressed that ex-JWs know far more about JW doctrine than active JWs know. Well done!
Calebs Airplane
So what’s the latest Nu-Lite® from the BorgTM? Did Jesus perform his inspection in 1918 or 1919? Did the Bible Students PASS or FAIL this inspection?
Inspected in 1918, failed, disciplined , went to prison,
inspected for sincerity, 1919, approved, became F&DS. it could not have been content: "Millions now living will never---"
So was it in 1918 or 1919? Did they PASS or FAIL Jesus' inspection? What's the latest on this? Or is this doctrine not being mentioned anymore??
The WTS leaders such as Russell and Rutherford self promoted themselves as true preachers of the Gospel (1919), they were not.
They were though self endeavoring charlatans selling and promoting their literature to the public, just as the US government said they could in this country's freedom of religion.
The wt could print in the lastest watchtower that they failed the test and are now the spawn of Satan and next week most JWs would be back at meeting.
So 1919 then?
This stuff is confusing.
So 1919 it is... I guess.