Some pretty blatant stuff coming up in bookstudy

by agent zero 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    So i was reading ahead in the bookstudy book "Bearing Thorough Witness" About God's Kingdom, and i came upon some shockingly direct damage control on behalf of the GB in the material for the upcoming weeks.

    on page 104: What a privilege it is to be instructed and molded by our patient and kind heavenly Father! The results are always good and always to our advantage. So let us never proudly push ahead with our own ideas or react negatively to organizational changes or to adjusted explanations of certain scriptures. If you detect even a hint of such a tendency in yourself, why not meditate prayerfully on the timely principles found in Acts chapter 15?

    box on page 105: Today, too, Jehovah's people adjust their beliefs to conform to revealed truth; they do not force the Scriptures to fit their views. Impartial observers have recognized this fact.

    on page 123: Similarly, Jehovah's Witnesses today enjoy the blessings that come from submissively obeying the direction received from "those who are taking the lead" among them. Because the scene of this world is always changing, is it vital that Christians keep pace with the spiritual food provided by "the faithful and discreet slave." Doing so can prevent spiritual calamity and help us to remain without spot from the world. [...] But because the Governing Body strictly follows God's Word and sticks to the pattern set by the apostles, they prove themselves trustworthy. As a result, the congregations are being strengthened and made firm in the faith.

    it will be interesting to see how that goes..


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    What planet are these people from?

  • WontLeave

    That disgusting rag is an idolatrous, power-grabbing propaganda piece from page 1. Every chapter is an excuse to justify the existence of the GB, idolize the GB, seize more power and authority for the GB, excuse the GB for being false prophets and morons, and basically incrementally set the GB up in their real position in the Jehovah's Witness religion: gods.

  • Quendi

    What publication is being studied in the "Congregation Bible Study" meeting, agent zero? I haven't attended one in a long time and have lost track.

    As for the comments you have highlighted, they are no surprise as that has been the organization's stance for years. The difference now is the stridency and intensity with which they are being promoted among the rank and file. It is now obvious that the WTS leadership is in the grip of fear that is bordering on panic. Good thing, I say.

    Internal dissent, barbarians at the gates, a sense of impending crisis and catastrophe...I never thought I would see the organization so beleaguered. I can only hope that I will see it all climax in the downfall and ruin of this religion and its corrupt leadership. The current situation reminds me of these words from Isaiah 28:14, 15: "Therefore hear the word of Jehovah, you braggarts, you rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem: Because you men have said, 'We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with Sheol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us for we have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves.' "

    Those leaders had only deceived themselves and were eventually overtaken by events they could not control. I hope the WTS leaders are in the same position and will meet a similar fate.


  • DesirousOfChange

    If you say enough times, repeat it over and over again, it will become Truth.

  • NVR2L8

    JWs truly believe the FDS' is trustworthy and strickly follows God because it says so..and if you adhere to their warning to avoid apostate propagenda, you will never have a reason to doubt them. Try that in real life: I have been telling my wife that I am the most trustworthy and faithful husband and for her own good she should never listen to anyone telling her otherwise - these women are troublemakers, mentally deseased and all they want is to break our you think that would pass! Hell no! My belongings would be lined up in the driveway packed in green bags. But in a cult you believe without asking quetions. Even dotrinal changes or failed prophecies are viewed as spiritual enlightment. Two years ago I heard a DC talk about how the FDS was on the watch in 1975 and even if nothing happened then at least they were alert while all other religions were in deep sleep...applauses...How can you blame other religions for being unaware of 1975 when absolutely nothing happened in that year? It like having 2 smoke detectors, one that goes off for no reason while the other stays silent...which one is defective? According to the WT it would be the one who didn't go off for no reason.

  • Knowsnothing

    @ Quendi,

    The book is called "Bearing Thorough Witness" About God's Kingdom. It's loosely (very loosely) based on Acts. And yeah, the book certainly glorifies the GB above any of the other publications so far.

  • Quendi

    Thanks, Knowsnothing. Had I been a little more alert, I would have seen that agent zero named the book in his first sentence.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Two years ago I heard a DC talk about how the FDS was on the watch in 1975 and even if nothing happened then at least they were alert while all other religions were in deep sleep.

    The WT is still getting flack on the lies the told about 1975 and are now trying to spin the story that they were right to be on the out look instead of admitting their screw up. I think a lot of ex Jdubs would have been more forgiving if the GB at the time would have just admitted to their mistake and apoligized.

  • ocd

    I just threw up in my mouth

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