Some pretty blatant stuff coming up in bookstudy

by agent zero 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    Now that the Governing Body have been self exposed as a "theological arrangement" these selfless promotions make more sense to me. It reminds me of when parents are trying to continue the ruse that Santa Clause is real to their small children. In order to distract the child from obvious impossibilities or contradictions parents often focus on the wonderful aspects of the things Santa Clause is going to do for them personally. Notice the language used in the OP's quotes, it is very absolute.The Watchtower is being very clear in purporting that the Governing Body has never let anyone down. In their literature it is merely a simple truth. Eventually the parents give in and come clean about Santa Clause's non-existence because it's the only responsible thing to do. However the Jehovah's Witnesses "Santa Clause", the Governing Body, is required for their continued existence. Therefore, the Governing Body will forever be presented as mint condition figurines never to leave their packaging.

    It's all coming together for me.


  • 00DAD

    Mad Sweeney wrote: This is an ENTIRE BOOK dedicated to establishing the Borg leadership as descending in a direct line from first century Christianity.

    Which is another one of their complete BS lies, because Russell supposedly got his ideas from "independent study", something JWs are now not supposed to do. That too is a lie as we all know that Miller, Barbour and a host of others either heavily influenced his "theology" or he just lifted huge portions of it. But then that would make those guys and the Adventists the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" wouldn't it?

    They want it both ways:

    1. There has been a long, unbroken line of faithful Christians: the FDS throughout history
    2. Russell didn't get his ideas from anyone else

    So which is it guys?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    so the society is talking out of both sides of their mouth.........

  • sabastious
    So let us never proudly push ahead with our own ideas or react negatively to organizational changes or to adjusted explanations of certain scriptures. If you detect even a hint of such a tendency in yourself, why not meditate prayerfully on the timely principles found in Acts chapter 15?

    For the Watchtower to so arbitrarily tell their followers to "read Acts 15" if they feel doubts seems highly peculiar to me.

    Acts chapter 15 is where the Apostles have to get a council together, which is not something they were experts at yet, and discuss the disagreements of the congregations, namly circumcision. Many Jews, with deep set Jewish traditions, were then suddenly Christian converts. A natural cause and effect had taken place when there was an intermixing of people of differing stout faiths. It had come to a tipping point and a decision had to made by the Apostles. So, they used their brians to come up with a solution to the problem at hand. There was no need for Jesus to have anything to do with this process, otherwise why would he have appointed them, as well as gave them super powers, in the first place? So he could micromanage pettty disagreements remotely with Holy Spirit? He trusted the people he personally appointed while on earth, namly Simon Peter.

    Simon Peter was a good man and was battle tested as he walked side by side with Jesus himself. The Governing Body cannot, in their right minds, compare themselves to the pioneers of Christianity. The council that Peter put together actually came up with an elegant solution. Elegance is not known to the cold hard business centered world of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Their ritualistic life of their members, mandated by the Governing Body themselves, is anything but elegant. Quite the contrary, actually, as they have consistently flip flopped on what they consider truths.

    It's pretty blaspemous when you think about it, the GB directly comparing themselves to the Apostles of old who were hand picked by Christ himself.


  • agonus

    As much as the WT hates Santa Claus, they may get off on a technicality because of a Sanity Clause...

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