The Heaven's Gate cult ended with 39 suicides.
Jonestown saw 918 people died after being coerced into committing suicide, and compelling their children to drink poisoned "kool-aid".
The seige on the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX took 76 lives.
53 people died in a mass suicide/homicide in the Solar Temple cult.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If the bodies of every JW who died for lack of a blood transfusion were gathered together in one spot, I truly believe the numbers would be even more staggering than Jonestown, Waco, Heaven's Gate, and the Solar Temple combined. The WTS's continued existence is partly due to these deaths occurring at relatively random times and places - the outcry that would take place if the thousands of men, women and children were all in one location, at one time, would be deafening.
The fact that the WTS is utilizing and relying very heavily on the "personal choice" defense rather than owning up to their deadly teachings shows that they are terrified of any ramifications coming their way.