The Watchtower Society proudly advertises the death of it's own people, including children! publishing this information on the cover of Awake!
All the while claiming to have respect for human life.
by lola-rabbit 18 Replies latest watchtower medical
The Watchtower Society proudly advertises the death of it's own people, including children! publishing this information on the cover of Awake!
All the while claiming to have respect for human life.
Babies, Children, Mothers, Young People, Old People, my Dad all dead because of the Watchtower Leadership and their Blood Doctrine.
what were they thinking? I remember placing this magazine on field service and having it returned on the next visit. I hadn't wanted to place it but it was the only one i had that day. It was a truly disturbing issue celebrating the loss of young life. Whether you believe in paradise or not these children were not aware of all the facts when they made the decisions they did. It should be a rule that anyone facing this choice should be given the full background on the history of the blood issue and not given just the medical reasons why they need the transfusion. Something as important as this requires complete openess.
I would never have allowed my children to die for need of a transfusion if their parents wake up to the truth about the truth what pain and guilt they will go through.
I reference this magazine in my paper Do Christians Have Human Leaders? as evidence that JWs worship the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as a god. One way they do this, is through their sacrifice to it; in this case, human sacrifice.
Does anyone have the DATE of the magazine?
I'm going to check "WontLeave's" site, but just in case....
With the date, there's a possibility one could pick it up in one of the used-books sites online...
Zid - who would dearly love to have a copy, too...
May 22, 1994...
Now I'm off to check the used-books stores...
I remember seeing this issue and not being able to bring myself to read the article because my own children were about the same age as these sweet faces pictured on the cover. Something that will haunt me (probably forever) is that when my son was only 3 he had to be rushed to the hospital. I remember being in the ambulance and praying for strength to stand firm on the blood issue. Fortunatly, it never came up and he made a speedy recovery. Yet, the thought that I might have sacrificed my precious child to the WT$ makes me truly sick.
I remember this. I think I was about 8 or 9 years old at the time and to see photos and stories of children, some of whom were MY OWN AGE that died for those crazy beliefs just made me so sad and confused at the time and now makes me even sadder. It's one thing for people to die for these beliefs but to glorify them and publicize their deaths and that they died as "good examples" just makes me sick. I was talking about blood transfusions with my JW grandmother (the nicer one) but not this article specifically, and I said, what would Jesus have done if he was standing there watching these people sacrifice their children for this one thing? I told her, I wouldn't just run out and get one but if I needed it or if I had a child that needed it I wouldn't let the kid bleed to death! Hopefully I gave her something to think about.