Be no part of the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Perhaps it is some lingering indoctrination talking, but I don’t want to be friends with most everyone I meet out there. Granted I work in a rough-neck environment and it is mostly through my employment that I come in contact with others, but I’m not like them and I can’t see myself hanging out in their living rooms and I don't want their filthy mouths in mine.
I don’t smoke, I don’t cuss, I don’t talk about pussy all the time (actually, none of the time). Even if I was hanging out with the old gay crowd, I don’t want to talk about dick all the time, I don’t drink, I don’t sleep around, I don’t celebrate the holidays (I see no point in it), I’m not interested in all the horror flicks or blood and guts movies.
I’m not one of them and I’m not interested in trying to become one of them. Their lifestyles do not appeal to me.
Granted, I have only listed the worst of the qualities I come in contact with and to be fair, some of the guys are reasonably decent – I can tune out the language and we could go to a different movie, but it’s frustrating.
In another thread, leavingwt said: A complete fresh start is required, a total life reboot.
Yeah, but reboot to what? I don’t see any palatable options as far as association goes.
Be no part of the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. How do you balance a reboot within the confines of these scriptures?