irondork -- i really appreciate your post/subject. it is very difficult and the Bible admonishes to have no association with those in darkness or evil people (but evil is different from those who are self-destructive/ignorant of God's laws) and i've heard preachers (tv/radio) give advice as makshym as well as running from worldly people -- go figure!! i never could understand the watchtowers' rule knowing those inside (for the most part) weren't any better than those in the world. i'm confused myself. i agree w/maksym, be a light/love in the world and this is easier said than done (guess this is where the torture stake comes in and to love our enemies).
there are people in the world and watchtower who don't abuse themselves with smoking, drinking/drugging, etc., but are abusive/evil to others. i hear acquaintances in volunteer/charity groups express how difficult it is -- yrs. doing charity work and never really becoming good friends, having good association, w/others. there's a book called "Safe People" that has some good advice/guidelines that might help.
someone mentioned meetup groups (find an interest) and i think this is great advice. i don't think ex-jw meetup groups are available in all cities but there are a variety of others --- Bible study groups and even co-ed groups organized under 12-step formats called something like "healthy relationships" you might look into.