''goes straight to the pool room''
LOL oz . . . love that movie . . . Darryl was kind of a lone ranger too mate.
by Aussie Oz 16 Replies latest jw friends
It may be your wife realises that she is fighting a losing battle hoping that by giving her a little freedom she will realise the world is bad and that she needs to rush back to the fold. It is fabulous news for your daughter but if this is the first party she has been allowed to attend watch out for any sudden u turns from her mum.
Hopefully once the genie is out of the bottle then your daughter will continue to make progress towards normality.
I am with Nugget on this. It is possibly just a battle for your daughter and Mom's afraid she might lose if she doesn't lighten up on the JW stuff.
Great for your daughter, though.
Thats good news oz
maybe the rose coloured glasses are falling from your x`s and she will see the light ,and thats a big plus for your daughter. As an aside
It`s heartening to see so many young ones see through this wt crap, The internet is (can I say ) a god send ? I hope she uses it