It cherry picks information from throughout the history of the church and presents it in a new context as though that were the core teachings of the church when in fact it isn't (some of the stuff is so obscure and comes from a single phrase out of hundreds of thousands of words given by some church leader extemporaneously and then lifted as though it were central LDS doctrine - when I first watched this many moons ago I didn't even recognise some of the stuff and had to search and search for references in old historical discources). Just to give you an example - if I made a video that says Jehovah's Witnesses teach that organ transplants are cannibalism and that wheat can be magic and then juxtaposed that with eery music and pictures of leering lions playing with beach balls you'd recognise the concepts but you know they wouldn't ever be presented or taught like that.
The main concepts of Mormonism have been missed / ignored which is a shame since they are the ones that have the greatest problems for someone wanting to critique the faith (after all there is nothing actually wrong with having sex with your wife forever in heaven surely? Also the church isn't allowed polygamy any more despite this cartoon suggesting that it is. Plus I don't think there is any record of spirit babies being in nappies but I digress.)
Some core Mormon beliefs plus issue.
1 - Pre-mortal existence (all of us are conceived spiritually before being born physically - hence God really is our progenitor though no explanation is really given about how spiritual birth except to say that we are organised from matter and that 'spirit' is purified matter - in other words physical but uncorrupted.) - problem : no memories of that, those who made choices to take on mortality and accept Christ get to have physical bodies but this also suggests that Hitler, Stalin etc. were once considered valiant. This previous existence leaves you in the horrible position of not knowing who you really are/were. This also plays out into the gay debate where this justifies the argument that since the spirit cannot be 'gay' (God doesn't craeet imperfect spirits - see how the guilt starts) gender options in this life that are not traditional are therefore a sinful choice.
2 - Heaven is patriarchal. There is a/are Heavenly Mother(s) but God is male. This means all power and authority is intellectually and institutionally ascribed to men. While there are women's organisations they are subordinate. This is reprehensible. It means women's voices are subdued and given merely a supporting role. This has also played out with women being encouraged to stay at home and not get jobs.
3 - Revelation is current and trumps previous revelation. This means that if God told the current prophet to institute a new commandment , even if that commandment was in contravention to an earlier one, it would now be right. This is a bad situation as it effectively insulates the believer from being able to question reversals. Indeed it makes doctrinal flip flops expected! Racial discrimination was introduced to the church in all its ugliness by Brigham Yound and removed by Spencer W Kimball and the members didn't bat much of an eyelid. There is no need to have doctrine, especially commandments, match previous ones since each commandment is given for a local time and a local place.
4 - Priesthood, the authority to act in God's name is restored and had ealier been lost soon after the apostles were killed. This authority holds the ability and right to administer god's ordinances such as baptism. This is problematic because at worst it means that individuals can begin to think they have a god given right to command things (like the home or women etc.) and at the very least is hypocritical (you must be re-baptised when you join the faith but you have no need to be remarried?)
5 - Families can be 'sealed' together forever (that's one of the temple's core purposes) This is an issue and causes great strife for those who can't stand their family relationships or are in terrible marriages. Also singles in the church can be treated almost as second class citizens since they aren't yet sealed. This also can lead to people marrying badly just to get married to a member who can be sealed to them. Many early or badly matches marriages plus the drawn out break up over years normally involving children.
6 - Law of chastity - no sexual perversion and only allowed to have sex with spouse, or as I used to call it 'sex in the right hole at the right time.' This is another driver of early marriage, intense guilt for masturbating teenagers, feelings of unworthiness when exposed to even fairly basic porn (say in a newspaper). Most terrible is the many problems married partners have in trying to express themselves sexually during marriage after a lifetime of repression. For many sex still feels like a sin even though they are now lds 'legal'. So lots of messed up people in the church - especially the born ins.
7 - New scriptures (Book of Mormon, Book of Abraham, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants). While this is actually what common sense would suggest were there to be a real prophet in the Bible style, the new scriptures advocate some pretty horrendous ideas (just like the bible!) These include condoning war, racial dicrimination based upon skin colour, righteous murder (this is part of the reason why Utah still endorses the death penalty), faith v intellect, a god of passions who will happily allow the good to die to teach eternal lessons, relative morality (based upon God's/preisthood leader's will), subjugation of women, absolute fact of Nochain flood etc. The books are factually incorrect, dogmatic and philosophically based upon the work of crackpots like Swedenborg and early North American settler occultism with a good dose of masonry.
8 - Building of a new Jerusalem in America. Bad becasue it means that the gospel is tied into Americanism , it is Americanism and it really does not work well outside of the US. Non US members are certainly seen as somewhat second class (over 95% leadership is US despite only half members being their, most temples are in US, most money is spent there etc..)
9 - Tithing. 10% of income. Undefined whether gross or net but always hinted at gross (i.e before you pay worldy taxes. Many members likve in absolute poverty and yet pay their tithing to the global corporation of the church. church is currently building a 2-3 billion dollar shopping mall in downtown Salt Lake City while many of its poorest members scavenge from bins for food each day. Money runs the church like it does all other large institutions. If you don't pay tithing you can't get sealed or married for eternity. You have to pay your way to heaven.
I could go on but I guess you'll be pretty bored by now. In summation the cartoon does not equip the watcher with any real knowledge of the church and its weaknesses and if you turned off the sound would not be recognisable to most members bar the real give aways like the temple robes. Mormons rarely if ever teach or talk about celestial sex, Kolob, or the so called 'demons'. It is all a bit infantile (the cartoon) especially for a cult that is gaining acceptance in main stream America and needs to be seriously critiqued as it has such a bad effect on many people - especially minorities (to balance that though many do love it and the culture can be very enriching.) Apologies for any typos - I'm knackered and going to bed :)