First, I will mention that most witlesses don't receive many toys. Instead, the money goes to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or towards attending the Grand Boasting Session. If they have the means, they would rather snake-give toys to their children--besides, toys would make them not want to do more field circus and give them a reason to want to stop before bedtime.
Another thing they are missing out on is the fun in watching things progress toward Christmas. I can remember the fun starting when I got the Sears Wish Book. It started shortly after we re-entered school for the new school year. The leaves changing color led into Halloween, where we had trick or treats. After that, Thanksgiving was the main topic. From that, the Christmas decorations went up. All the while, I got homework--out of that Wish Book, deciding what I wanted Santa to bring me. It added up. Then, we had our share of discussions about Santa, the gifts, and of course Jesus. Christmas carols started to play on the radio, along with the Christmas TV specials. I especially liked it when the Christmas tree went up--even to this day, a Christmas tree is fun to watch. Then, we had 2 major trips (of 100 km or more, lasting most of the day) associated with Christmas. Then, Christmas Day meant opening up the presents.
And, it wasn't all gone once the last present was opened. We would have that week to play with the toys. After, whenever my parents visited anyone or I went to the sitters, Christmas lingered into January and February as I got to see what they got. Effectively, I was affected in some way by Christmas by more than 5 months out of the year.
Rather, the witlesses get to sit around and mope. September brings another year of pious-sneering, endless field circus, and having homework to finish but not having time because they are always out in field circus or at a damn boasting session when they should be working on it. Rarely do they have the time to play. They are never given a Wish Book, and they don't get to watch the progression of holidays. If they do see it, they are made sick by it because it is supposed to be Satanic to even enjoy the Christmas lights. Then, they get time off and are supposed to waste it pious-sneering. Back to school, back to the same old. They also miss out on what everyone else got because no one else got anything either.
So, the Grand Boasting Session is supposed to be the highlight. Yes, they build up this wastefest. Yes, they build up on the REJECT Jesus Party. What with? The REJECT Jesus Party season is marked with pious-sneering, more of the same dreary activity. Then, there are all the rules to abide by during the Grand Boasting Session. Once it is done, rather than ending up getting stuff, they usually end up having to throw away things. They are supposed to crack down on things like music, movies, and activities other than wasting the remainder of their summer vacation pious-sneering. Again, it is very rare for anyone else to get anything for the Grand Boasting Session.
Now that I am back to doing the holidays, I would rather provide a little something in the way of building up to the holidays. No, I am not handing out toys--but, once the kids see the Halloween stuff going up shortly after school starts, they know it's in sight. Yes, they will have to wait. But, at least some of the fun is beginning. And, then when I transition to Christmas, at least they get to see things going up. Visitors see the decorations, and I have heard of people coming up from the New York City area impressed on the job I did in the hall. (The other tenants in the building mention how they had someone come up from New York City and was impressed.) After the holiday, I am slow at taking them down so people can still have at least some fun into February. Sure beats going out in field circus and preparing for the REJECT Jesus Party.