"we don't need holidays as an excuse to give gifts to our children"

by Sour Grapes 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    One can also see a lot of bad things such as desperation, anxiety and depression.

    Are you aware of the increase in suicides at this time of year

    I'm not expressing my viewpoint as a JWS , I'm a long time atheist who was brought up as a JWS.

    My comments are from a secular point of view as a socail behavior within a socity.

    The comment which you hear from a JWS "we don't need holidays as an excuse to give gifts to our children"

    Is wrought with both a preponderance of arrogance and ignorance Via the WTS. indoctrination.

    To clarify I am not a JWS, perhaps I should have stated that previuosly.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    What is so wrong with celebrating God made flesh or a spirit something made something in JW lingo? It is a major turning point in human history. The Witnesses celebrated Christmas until Rutherford. In fact, my mom told me the Witness lit. was recommended as great gifts for people. Secular society no longer ties celebration to religious themes.

    Humans need to take time out and socialize. Jews often have a seasonal party. Christmas trees do not represent something pagan. They are commercial symbols of time to spend your money on our crap. If we had gifts and parties, I would not feel so cheated. We had nothing. A child cannot understand deep theological principles.

    My reaction was never oh we are loyal to Jah. Rather, the clear message I received was that all my neighborhood friends were loved. Even when I was still young, I knew tons of toys vs. a modest celebration was wrong. Love. Where was the love? I would have adored hand knit gloves or a hat for Christmas. Children used to get oranges and very small gifts. Love was certainly missing. Children are not little adults.

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