Football (sports)

by EmptyInside 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    yeah sounds like he been listening to gerrit loesch. dude HATES football!

    he would go out of his way to diss football during morning worship. we could have a text and comments talking about balams ass and he would turn it into a rant against football.

    go lions!

  • sir82

    What, the COBE is trying to make a rule that no one can watch football?!?!

    Yeah, that's not gonna fly.

  • LostGeneration

    Like Sir82 said, there is no way a ban on the NFL or college for that matter is gonna fly. The NFL is king in the USA, and now that the NBA is shooting itself in the foot once again it will only be more popular down the stretch and into the playoffs.

    Shoot, five years ago I would estimate at least 50% were in fantasy leagues, basically "petty gambling" according to current WT dictates.

    I would love to see them try it though, it would set quite a few down the road to freedom from the WTS.

  • JimmyPage

    They have enough trouble keeping males interested in the religion as it is. I guarantee you if they banned football the men would leave in droves. So for that reason, I say, yes, please ban football!

  • EmptyInside

    Well,this rule for this particular congregation is only for those who want to be an MS or an Elder. I do know one MS who still watches the game.

    It's easy for this C.O.B.E because he never liked football anyway. Let's try to take away something he likes to do and make it wrong.

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