Do you suffer witrh colitis or candida? What helps me.

by Dogpatch 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Yep Talesin, you're right. My nephew had reflux problems for a while as a toddler. The ACV worked like a charm. You can add it in a healthy juice or food if the taste is unpalatable for you. A lot of digestive problems have similar causes. It's worth a try.

  • Heaven

    Peanuts are legumes which is probably why this works for you. I take alfalfa tablets (another legume) and peppermint/ginger combo capsules that I make myself. I also find eating an apple helps if I have an acidic stomach and it is empty.

    Putting starch and protein into your system at the same time can be difficult to digest since each needs a different type of environment (starch needs alkaline, protein needs acidic). By consuming a legume, this 'converts' a starch to a protein and can be more easily digested together with meat.

  • tenyearsafter

    I have also heard good feedback on taking a potent probiotic with a product called Candex...supposed to be helpful for good digestion and candida. Thankfully, I have been blessed with an iron digestive system, but I have family who suffer a similar condition as you do Randy.

  • garyneal

    My wife might be able to benefit from this. She's lost a lot of weight recently and suffers from heart burn and acid reflux. Perhaps this can help.


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