As time rolls on the Boomer Generation is increasing at a rapid rate. Most countries are ill prepared for this coming explosion of seniors!
Does this ring a bell with you? Or your elderly parents?
These are serious problems confronting society today. Homelessness and affordable housing are becoming key issues.
Michael Mcknight (ministry of health) states that "the issues revealed by this study are not going away ... Quite frankly, we are not prepared."he says.
Here's a big problem .... what are Jehovah's Witnesses thinking of doing about it?
After all, are they not the cause of a great deal of the angst of their elderly?
Did they not promise that they were the generation that would never grow old?
Are they not the 'religious' leaders who vehementaly seduced the followers not to marry or have children, thereby robbing them of a supportive family in life?
Are these not same leaders who forbid the education that could lead to a career? ... oh, all these businesses are going out of business soon at armageddon anyhow ... don't bother, they said, ... just keep preaching!!
NOW, the corker ......... Are not these same leaders the ones who forbid contact with the members who grew old, and who had the audacity to do .... what? To think for themselves, and will not bow down to a group of men who call themselves the GOVERNING BODY!!
Not only do does this organization not have any charities to help people ... they persecute their own parents in their old age, and take away all support.
They are actually working against normal behavior, while those terrible 'ungodly worldly folks' are working hard and attempting to provide where they are not able to manage themselves!
The watchtower will leave these poor souls 'high and dry', after the most of them have spent 20, 30, 40, 50 and more years of 'nose to the grindstone', dedicated unpaid service to this ungrateful cult!
Check out the Nov 15 2011 w ... you know what it says. Look at the words they espouse in the "call to mother" in the kingdom ministry 2002!
Look at this crap!
Cooperating with the Scriptural arrangement to disfellowship and shun
unrepentant wrongdoers is beneficial. It preserves the cleanness of the congregation and distinguishes us as upholders of the Bible's high moral standards. (1 Pet. 1:14-16) It protects us from corrupting influences. (Gal. 5:7-9) It also affords the wrongdoer an opportunity to benefit fully from the discipline received, which can help him to produce "peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness."-Heb. 12:11.
After hearing a talk at a circuit assembly, a brother and his fleshly sister realized that they needed to make adjustments in the way they treated their mother, who lived elsewhere and who had been disfellowshipped for six years. Immediately after the assembly, the man called his mother, and after assuring her of their love, he explained that they could no longer talk to her unless there were important family matters requiring contact." Kingdom Ministry Aug 2002 p.3
"Cutting off from the Christian congregation does not involve immediate death, so family ties continue. Thus, a man who is disfellowshipped or who disassociates himself may still live at home with his Christian wife and faithful children The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home. It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. "
Posting the newspaper web site to follow. It is an amazing 6 paqes. Might be an opportune time to let the writer, SAM COOPER know that this 'religion is doing it's part ....NOT!!!