by clarity 15 Replies latest social physical

  • clarity

    As time rolls on the Boomer Generation is increasing at a rapid rate. Most countries are ill prepared for this coming explosion of seniors!

    Does this ring a bell with you? Or your elderly parents?

    These are serious problems confronting society today. Homelessness and affordable housing are becoming key issues.

    Michael Mcknight (ministry of health) states that "the issues revealed by this study are not going away ... Quite frankly, we are not prepared."he says.

    Here's a big problem .... what are Jehovah's Witnesses thinking of doing about it?

    After all, are they not the cause of a great deal of the angst of their elderly?

    Did they not promise that they were the generation that would never grow old?

    Are they not the 'religious' leaders who vehementaly seduced the followers not to marry or have children, thereby robbing them of a supportive family in life?

    Are these not same leaders who forbid the education that could lead to a career? ... oh, all these businesses are going out of business soon at armageddon anyhow ... don't bother, they said, ... just keep preaching!!


    NOW, the corker ......... Are not these same leaders the ones who forbid contact with the members who grew old, and who had the audacity to do .... what? To think for themselves, and will not bow down to a group of men who call themselves the GOVERNING BODY!!

    Not only do does this organization not have any charities to help people ... they persecute their own parents in their old age, and take away all support.

    They are actually working against normal behavior, while those terrible 'ungodly worldly folks' are working hard and attempting to provide where they are not able to manage themselves!

    The watchtower will leave these poor souls 'high and dry', after the most of them have spent 20, 30, 40, 50 and more years of 'nose to the grindstone', dedicated unpaid service to this ungrateful cult!

    Check out the Nov 15 2011 w ... you know what it says. Look at the words they espouse in the "call to mother" in the kingdom ministry 2002!

    Look at this crap!


    Cooperating with the Scriptural arrangement to disfellowship and shun

    unrepentant wrongdoers is beneficial. It preserves the cleanness of the congregation and distinguishes us as upholders of the Bible's high moral standards. (1 Pet. 1:14-16) It protects us from corrupting influences. (Gal. 5:7-9) It also affords the wrongdoer an opportunity to benefit fully from the discipline received, which can help him to produce "peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness."-Heb. 12:11.

    After hearing a talk at a circuit assembly, a brother and his fleshly sister realized that they needed to make adjustments in the way they treated their mother, who lived elsewhere and who had been disfellowshipped for six years. Immediately after the assembly, the man called his mother, and after assuring her of their love, he explained that they could no longer talk to her unless there were important family matters requiring contact." Kingdom Ministry Aug 2002 p.3

    "Cutting off from the Christian congregation does not involve immediate death, so family ties continue. Thus, a man who is disfellowshipped or who disassociates himself may still live at home with his Christian wife and faithful children The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home. It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. "


    Posting the newspaper web site to follow. It is an amazing 6 paqes. Might be an opportune time to let the writer, SAM COOPER know that this 'religion is doing it's part ....NOT!!!


  • clarity
  • wannabefree

    Sign up for that public assistance!

    *** w86 10/15 p. 18 par. 9 Do More Than Say: "Keep Warm and Well Fed" ***
    most lands now have tax-supported programs for the aged, infirm, or those willing but unable to find work. Christian elders may want to help in another way though. Some who are in genuine need and who fully qualify for public benefits are not receiving such because they do not know how to apply or are too timid to ask. Thus elders may inquire of governmental agencies or contact Witnesses who are experienced in these matters. They then may arrange for a capable brother or sister to help the needy person to receive the available benefits.-Romans 13:1, 4.

  • clarity

    Thanks for that Wannabefree!

    The newspaper mentions the increased suicides with older persons who are isolated and lonely .... Watchtower society makes sure that folowers who dare to leave are isolated and lonely. It can be unbearable as the older person is not involved with employment anymore and most of their families have died!

    Take everyone away. Nice!

    While many are in need of low cost housing, this is not just about lack of housing or lack of money! It is the isolation of older people. It is the Shunning & DF'ing that is the main factor here, causing a "double whammy" for the older exjw's!

    Click on the BOOMERangst picture to see the story.

  • ziddina


    EXCELLENT thread!!

  • clarity

    Thanks Zid, glad you liked it.

    There seems to be a campagne here, to solve the problems that the baby boomers are starting to encounter ... and will get worse as time goes on.

    "The United way CEO says there is currently nobody trying to co-ordinate an integrated strategy for seniors in BC."

    The older people themselves don't seem to be complaining about it, but sort of have a "stiff upper lip" about it.

    Part of the problem is that the elderly are being shut away, as it were, when they very well could be appreciated and more productive in society. City planners see a need to avoid the segregation we see so much of today.


    The "sandwhich generation" is exhausted by singlehandedly caring for teenagers and elderly parents.

    There was a slogan, not so long ago - "it takes a village to raise a child".

    Well, I'm starting to think it takes a village to care for each other!

    I don't know if I'm making myself clear here, Zid, but when I think of how the WT rulers and all who obey them, are intentionally shunning and causing complete isolation & extreme loneliness for these older people who leave the org, my blood just boils.

    Funny isn't it, 'worldly' people are concerned and shocked over a segment of the population who feels suicide is an answer, ... but the only true religion, who's specialness is LUV not only doesn't care, but deliberately makes it worse by their enforced shunning doctrine!


  • ziddina

    Clarity, you made your points very well - your message came thru, loud and clear...

    In my situation, I'm going to HAVE to remain "viable", as I deliberately chose NOT to have children...

    Funny thing, I'm much more physically fit than my next-door neighbors, who are always sick with respiratory diseases and worse... They have a son and two grandchildren...

    Maybe the kids are picking up diseases in nursery school/kindergarten and passing it on to the grandparents!!??!

    But yeah, the situation you've described is a significant portion of the damage caused by the Watchtower Corporation's desperate efforts to control and isolate its members...

    Of course, the Gov.Bod will ALWAYS have someone there to wipe THEIR butts...


  • clarity

    Geez this thing got buried fast! I hate it when that happens!

    One last comment ....

    Many of you on here are Baby Boomers and are classified as 'mentally diseased' apostates! That does make me feel vulnerable regarding how my family will start treating me!

    In north America and in the more civilized countries, there is an awareness of this population explosion, and while many organizations & charities are endeavoring to help seniors & also be helping society as a whole........... the watchtower society is not only throwing away their unpaid laborers, now that they are old but ....

    ..any who dare to leave the Rule of the governing body, are being completely separated from family and friends, stripped of everthing they have known! Therefore leaving them alone, isolated, suicidal, grief stricken ........ the opposite of what "that bad old world" is trying to avoid.

    I wonder how many 'seniors' are disfellowshipped? Or would be if they were honest about their ideas.

    I wonder, do these worldy organizations even consider that a religion would throw away it's old people if they were "independant thinkers"? Actually, to be able to think logically at all, is a 'blessing' with alzheimers on the rise.

    There is a Seniors Forum coming up, maybe this subject needs to be inserted into the mix!


  • LongHairGal


    I agree that it is a very sad situation with all the JW seniors who expected to be in the "new system" by now. They never expected they would see their old age in this "old system" and not have much. Whose fault is this? It is certainly the religion's fault for telling people not to go to college, not to get a good job, not to save, not to plan for the future because it would show a lack of faith in Jehovah (what stupid logic). Why would you not plan for the future? Even the "ant" stores up things (see Proverbs). This fantasy of living in the ever present like some stupid child is something that only a lucky few in this religion got away with in years past perhaps. Just let somebody try doing this now.

    Thank heaven I never bought into this nonsense. I know I was talked about because I refused to quit my decent job and pursue poverty by pioneering and housecleaning. I did not care what these judgmental idiots thought about me. I realize the situation is probably dire for any older people who leave the JW religion and have their wonderful JW family reject them. In my opinion, any JW child with a parent like this is morally obligated to help their needy parent.

    Tragically, the religion that enabled all this nonsense will not step in to help and feels no accountability even towards so-called "faithful" JWs. That leaves any JW who leaves the religion - out in the cold and dependent on their JW children or other relatives. Maybe that is why some are still there and won't leave because they see that this would happen to them. So, they sit there and fake it.


    Like you, I chose not to have any children. I am planning the best I can and hoping for the best and that is all I can do.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    I wonder if there would be some media mileage from exposing the WTBTS's attempts to encourage its members to sign up for public assistance, leave all monies to them upon death, and not drop one dime organizationally in assistance to those in need amoung them.

    Just a thought.


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