Oct. 22nd Zone Meeting: Here's some facts and figures presented to ticketed-only audiences

by AndersonsInfo 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    extractor: Oops! They forgot to include how many soup kitchens were opened, homeless shelters, nursing homes?, inner-city outreaches?, disaster relief, at-risk youth programs?, food pantries?, medical research facilities?, universities?...

    Good point!

  • factfinder

    JRK- the 10,837 baptized is for the District coventions held in 2010 in the lands under the US branch.

    The number baptized for the year will be published in the 2012 yb.

  • snare&racket

    Come one and all to the 2011 stock taking of a printing coporation !! Hear the exciting news from afar ! Listen to tales of internet success! Sadly no financial information is available as it will distract your heart from the truth of the message!

    Be there or be square.... but remember you have to be sqaure in this world if you want to be a round in the next ;)

    Yikes.. and to think some crappy event like this would have once excited me. It's just a factory.....

  • factfinder

    The WT printing operation is unique. And is the second largest in-plant printing operation in the US. (Aside from the GPO).

    WT is one of the largest printers of books and magazines in the world. To some it may be "just a factory" but to me it is a fascinating and impressive printing/publishing operation.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    "To some it may be "just a factory" but to me it is a fascinating and impressive printing/publishing operation."

    Pallleease... Give me as much free labor as I request and a guaranteed market for my production and let me fascinate and impress you even further..

  • JRK


    I realize those numbers are just for the Zone, but it is a pretty big zone. 10K baptized out of 1M+ publishers is pathetic, and just think how many more DFed or DAed.


  • JRK


    I realize those numbers are just for the Zone, but it is a pretty big zone. 10K baptized out of 1M+ publishers is pathetic, and just think how many more DFed or DAed.


  • Gayle

    "just a factory" right,, it is much more than that!

  • factfinder


    If only 10,000 were baptized in the Us for the year that would be a major decrease since over 35,000 got baptized during the 2010 sy!

    But I am sure the 10,000 is only counting those who got baptized at the 2010 DCs held in the US branch territory. It might even be an increase!

    When we get the 2012 service year report we'll be able to see how many were baptized in the US for the year.

    I got baptized in 1978 and there were only 20,000 baptized in the USA. that SY. The figure has been higher then that ever since.

  • factfinder

    Yan Bibyan-

    I have been collecting information about the largest printing companies since 1989. It is a hobby of mine. If you knew how the WTS compares to other In Plants in scope and production you would know why I am impressed. Yes-the volunteer labor makes it unique.

    But there are many things about the WT printing/publishing operation that make it impressive. If you read printing trade magazines you may understand.

    The size alone is impressive. At one time the Brooklyn printery was the 3rd largest printery in the world!

    While the Wallkill printery is not quite as large as the Adams Street complex it is the 3rd largest book plant in New York.

    Yes-it is very impressive to me. And to editors of Printing trade magazines as well.

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