Hi, I'm a new member that enjoys civil debate, so I thought I'd just throw a topic out there.
If we take the standard, contemporary Judeo-Christian God (all-knowing, all powerful, and perfectly good in every possible way) and attempt to incorporate free will, we end up with a contradiction. An all knowing being knows everything that has occured, is occuring and will occur, if otherwise then we can not consider this being to know all. If God knows all that WILL happen, then he knows our decisions, as well as the outcomes of those decisions. In other words, our choices, and all life in general is pre destined, and free will is simply illusory. For free will to exist, we would need to be able to make a decision that would take our deity by surprise, but how can one be surprised by something he already knows to be true?
Rebuttals are welcomed to the utmost extreme.