Even if the society was still charging for the magazines the publishers and bible studys would pay for them. Keep in mind that before 1990 when there was still a price for the literature the magazine production kept going up most years.
Jan 1 2012 WT - increased printing
by Gayle 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
Teary Oberon
It might also be good to take into account the recent change in the distribution process.
A year or two ago (can't remember exactly when) the order came down from the top that congregations would no longer order magazines on an individual basis, e.g., 10 magazines for publisher A, 20 magazines for publisher B, ect. Rather, after the change they would order a fixed number for the congregation as a whole, and then the publishers could just take what they needed from the literature counter when they needed it.
A change like that would most certainly reduce the overall production of magazines, because it would reduce the number of 'left-over' or 'unplaced' magazines from month to month.
LOL @ WT Wizard.
There are magazines I think are garbage such as PLAYBOY, and others I have no interest in such as Sports Illustrated, not to mention magazines published by other religions whose beliefs I don't agree with. but I don't pay much attention to how many trees are killed (cut down) to make paper for those to be printed.
Everyone has their own opinion as it should be. But I am amazed that some posters spend so much time being overly critical of the wts and finding fault with every little thing.
Is it ok if other publishers print millions of magazines or books that you don't care about or that publish ideas or teachings that you don't like? Why only single out the wts for such critiscism?
The w has the highest monthly printing of any magazine, yes, but there are 1,000's of other titles out there and BILLIONS upon Billions of magazines being printed by other companies who use MUCH MORE paper & ink to print things that you probably don't agree with!
So you would rather have the org viewed by Satan's standards rather than God's standards FactFinder?
The Dec.15 2007 Watchtower lists 28,578,000. Multiply by two = 57,156,000. Compare that with the Public and Kool-Aid edition in total, keeping in mind that the private edition is likely much less.
factfinder -- I think you miss a point. I don't think we're looking at what people might like or not like. it is more a case of what do they acheive. What purpose do they serve.
Listner-why do you say that?
the revealer-
well, they provide a service if you are a witness! There are some articles that non-witnesses find interesting. I still like to check out each issue, tho I no longer believe much of what is printed in them anymore.
The witnesses are trying to reach as many people as possible with their message and magazines are very popular. So I think they do serve their purpose. Most on this board no longer believe much or perhaps none of what the wts teaches, but if you asked an active witness they would tell you the magazines fill a need.
My family received so many of those magazines over the many years and read very little. Always had an accumulation that had to be thrown away eventually. And I know that most read very little because when I did read articles and tried to talk about them I got very little input. Also for me and probably others on here they serve the main purpose of helping spread the insidious vitriol.
I am wondering whether that 42,000,000 is the total magazines (3 wt and awake) per month. The number seems to be only in the one mag.