The Honeymoon Stage...well kind of

by mrsjones5 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I'm keeping my distance from my parents but I keep running into my mother around town. Yesterday it was at Walmart, a couple of weeks ago it was at the mall. Both times my husband was not acknowledged (basically shunned), hubby says its a weird feeling but he's ok with not having to talk to my mother.

    I call my mother every couple of weeks or so and the last time I spoke to her (about two days before Walmart) she said that she wished we could go shopping or go to lunch together. She even told me about a little tradition that she and my sister have of going shopping the day after Thanksgiving (I knew nothing about it) and wouldn't I like to go along? I know this phase intimately, it's the calm before the next storm. Mother plays nicely nice like nothing has happen, like she has said nothing horrible to me about myself or my husband, like she has done nothing wrong. No apology but everything is ok now. It never last long. Mother can never hold it together before her mouth gets the best of her and the real her comes out, the evil one.

    I'm not falling for it this time.

  • N.drew

    "he's ok with not talking to my mother" Funny!


    Smart move Josie..

    Manipulative mothers never change..

    They just try new tactics to get you to accept their behaviour..


  • OnTheWayOut

    Strength to you. My JW mother-in-law is okay with me, but I am cut off from all the JW talk. I welcome that.

    It only bothers me that I don't know how far "in" they are dragging my nephew who is nearly out of high school and not baptized.

  • Voices

    Have you tried superglue? ...nah...that's just mean..................................or is it?


  • Bella15


    You are describing my mother ... I have learned to remove myself from any "situation" that bring chaos in to my life ... it is not fair to myself nor my children. I hope you have been able to tell your mom how you feel about it. I did this with my mother over the phone once, afterwards I reinforced the fact that my door was always open for her ... meaning if you ever need me I am here ... you know she is a JW too and won't even consider coming to my house or call.

  • ShirleyW

    Manipulative mothers never change..

    They just try new tactics to get you to accept their behaviour

    That was my mother word for word, no matter how many arguments/conversations the two of you may have it will never end . . . . . trust me on that, (as if you don't already know)

  • mrsjones5

    Yes Bella I've tried to explain to my mother the reasons why we're not close anymore (I used to talk to her everyday) and how she has hurt me and my family but she will not take ownership of her actions other than saying because she's my mother she has a right to talk to me anyway she pleases and in actuality I'm the mean and selfish one. And it's funny, the only time she throws the mean and selfish card at me is when I won't give her my personal information or bring the kids over when their father is not welcome in her home. Then she will turn around and tell me that she tells her friends that I'm the nice daughter.

    Shirley and Outlaw, you're both right - my mother won't change. It's up to me to change how I respond to her, I think I'm getting better at it.

    how she has hurt me and my family but she will not take ownership of her actions
    other than saying because she's my mother she has a right to talk to me anyway..Josie

    You have every right to protect your family..

    Ask how she feels about a smack upside the head..

    With a 20lb Dead Salmon..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • LV101

    OUTLAW is my favorite adult-child psychologist now! good advice and love the graphics. can you imagine a book (or calendar) by outlaw about evil mothers and the great pictures --- a best seller.

    one of my friends read Bad Childhood/Great Life (Dr. Laura) and tells me the book has helped her the very most w/her toxic parents --- not without going thru the necessary pain involved to change but sounds like you're doing great. toxic mothers never want to give up their power (never --- their agenda must be met) so just fill up the hole in your heart with something else -- your mate, your children, your dog, etc., and squeeze and love them. after awhile you really don't care anymore nor ever want to be bothered w/them again and it's amazing.


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