How many Watchtower Lawyers are there?

by VM44 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    In Amazing's exit series, he mentions one lawyer who works
    exclusively for the Watchtower Society. I posted a link to
    a page listing a few WT lawyers, but the question is:

    How many lawyers does the Watchtower have working for them?

    What would really be interesting would be a list of all the
    Societies lawyers.

    I have a feeling that the WTS has more lawyers than people
    trained in Biblical languages.


    P.S. oh, and not to mention the people being sent to law school
    at the expense of the WTS!!!

  • Satanus

    Last i heard, they had about 100 in new york.


  • VM44

    "Last i heard, they had about 100 in new york. SS"

    100??!!! and only in new york!

    There is something wrong when a religious organization needs
    a tremendous number of lawyers.

  • ofcmad

    I can bet you that they probably aren't paid the same amount as the regualar bethelites.
    Does anyone know how much they get paid? Are they taking the "vow of poverty"?

  • butalbee

    Probably more lawyer than faithful and discreet slaves!!!!!!

  • LDH

    One little, two little, three little lawyers
    four little, five little, six little lawyers
    seven little, eight little, nine little lawyers
    Ten little Lawyer boys!

    I bet you could get a good idea by calling Crooklyn and asking for the legal department. If they answer the question, I'd be really surprised if it's not in the hundreds, worldwide.

    Further, I'd bet they only have lawyers in lands where human rights laws exist.


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    the more lawyers - the more liars - the more lies

    WTS you have to many cadavers beyond your carpet of time.
    your lawyers will not be able to set you free from your guilt

  • JT

    The society does not have a very large (not no where near 100 lawyers) ON STAFF, but they do have alot of lawyers many who are bro who work with the Society-

    if the bro is ON STAFF then he gets his $90 a month, but if he is not part of the bethel family he gets paid a reg lawyer fees-

    when i was at bethel i found out about this one day by doing what i do best ASK QUESTIONS -

    there was this bro who was not a bethelite but came to bethel ALMOST each morning in time for morning worship 7AM BABY- he caught the train from CONN. HIS WIFE was not a jw so he could not come to bethel and so he worked for the society and go a reg pay like any other lawyer on the outside
    as he told me his wife would not allow him to work for bethel if he got a bethel ($90) payck- so he was paid like he would be for any other client-

    just my 2


  • Amazing

    In each State where the Society has a Corporation, they have an attorney as the Registered Agent. There are not that many JWs who are attorneys, so the Society has to retain outside firms.

    They have over 100 Corporations in the USA. Most of them are out side of New York State. I guess that between 80 or so lawyers combining outside law firms and attorneys working at Bethel.

  • Pureheart

    They are too involved with the "world".

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