How did you do it?

by GeneM 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GeneM

    The depression card, I like it. I've seen it used to great effect in fading.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Yes, I have had relatives to use the depression card to fade or even just to avoid going to meetings or out in field service even though they still call themselves JWs.

  • factfinder

    I just stopped going. It was not planned, I just lost my desire to go anymore.

  • umadevi

    Hello! All it took was Coc by Ray Franz to realize it was a man made org. After that I read a few more books suggested by other posters here on JWN. I stopped attending meetings and D'fd via sms.

  • N.drew

    Hello welcome GeneM! First I faded, then I walked out of a meeting of me and the brothers (a shepherding thing-a-ma-jig). I did not officially guit because someday I might need that bridge. I don't know why or how, but I might. Or they will catch up to me, who knows? I have not heard a word from them. They don't bother me. I don't know why some people are bothered and some people are not. I don't even have a theory.

  • sizemik
    The depression card, I like it. I've seen it used to great effect in fading.

    Yes I played that card too . . . but I had no choice. I had a royal flush in depression.

    It certainly made the exit a breeze though . . . most treated me like I had Leprosy. They ostracised the rest of the family too . . . which saved me the job really. Just a visit from a fellow elder once a month to drop the magazines off . . . then once every three months . . . then I moved towns like fade_away. Job done.

    Welcome to JWN . . . nice to have you here.

  • GeneM

    Yeah you don't normally have to fake it when your life is about to change.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    i just can't say it again

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I had a pretty quick exit. Was an elder who seen too much bullshit. Don't remember the details, but once I resigned it was over shortly after that. Quit going and never ever stepped foot in a KH again, not even for a Memorial. Never looked at the WT literature again and never cracked a bible.

    Think About It

  • factfinder


    N.Drew- no one bothered me when I left either. I wonder if they even noticed I was gone!

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