Do not add or do not take away.Rev.22;18,19

by jam 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Agreed Leo, I know that the PA and the prodigal Son stories always made me view God and Christ in a loving, compassionate way.

    Who of us has NOT sinned and has NOT wanted to hear those kind and loving words as spoken By Jesus in the PA and by "the father" in the PS parable?

    At a time when religious laws advocate stoning, Christ advocated forgiveness and Love, when some adovocated fearing God and vengence on the enemy, He advocated view God as not JUST Father but Abba and praying for our enemies.

    One wonders indeed how many writings about Jesus and his teachings there really were circulating in those first 100 years and how much was lost.

    As always Leo, I prostate myself before you ;)

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