Sadly under Texas law that probably wasn't even illegal unless he caused an "injury". Physically speaking ofcourse. Emotionally that girl is torn into pieces.
Humiliation is usually not a good way to raise a functional human.
by Cagefighter 26 Replies latest social current
Sadly under Texas law that probably wasn't even illegal unless he caused an "injury". Physically speaking ofcourse. Emotionally that girl is torn into pieces.
Humiliation is usually not a good way to raise a functional human.
No, it is not Cagefighter. That was abuse, plain and simple. Not one bit of grey area.
I am so pleased that if someone did that in my country they would lose custody of their child.
I wish.
Multiply that beating by about 10 and extend it for another 20 mins. That's what I lived through a couple of times a week for 17 years.
My parents would line all 5 of us up, arms out, and Dad would swing that belt on our hands\arms until I thought he was going to kill one of us.
I often had broken blood vessels on my arms, and the backs of my legs.
At some point, each of us kids went to the elders about it. I remember one elder sitting in our living room and telling my Dad that he had the right to do whatever he felt was necessary to keep CONTROL in his house. Thanks for all your help, Terry Smith, Sr.
Sorry, but that video brings up alot for me.
Dear god!
Ugh Palm. I remember those broken blood vessels! No gym this week.
Unfortunately the humiliation aspect reminded me of pretty much how every JW-kid was disciplined that I knew growing up. The physical part was there too but varied from family to family.
I think the emotional and psychological damage is far worse than the beating he gave her.
He is lucky she isn't selling her ass on craigslist or didn't just shoot him in his sleep.
I clicked on it and seem to pick up one of those virus programs that offer to check you computer for free and will only fix it if you buy it. The hitch is it is a fake virus program and infects your computer and can be difficult to get rid of .I have Mcafee and it picked it up. Those programs are not actually a virus but may be a worm or something and they are awful.
I'm running my own virus program now to check it. I clicked off the page immediately.
I never did get to see the video.
What the father did was very wrong, especially when the girl was mentally disabled.
She is not mentally disabled. She has cerebral palsy
F*@$in Bastard. Let me warn if you are very sensitive to these kinds of things I do not recommend watching the video. I only lasted about 2 minutes and then had to turn it off. My heart started racing and I felt like I was going to explode. I did sign this petition to have the ass removed from being a judge and put in jail....
I have posted the link on my facebook page and beg everyone here to go and sign it and get the word out. "Judge" William Adams reminds me of another "judge" ....
Sadly, for those of us who were born in, the video depicts what was commonplace. I can remember seeing kids getting beaten with belts at Dodger Stadium during the district assemblies. Not just one or two kids, but many. They were in the back area, near the restrooms. Moms with belts, wooden spoons, and hairbrushes, beating their kids. As they said, "spare the rod, spoil the child."
I think the statute of limitations would forbid any prosecution of this judge. Nevertheless, he can and should be removed from office. No man who commits such horrible abuse and, actually attempts to justify it, should be judging parents as to whether they are fit to have custody of their children.
I hope he gets the justice he deserves.