Father Judge goes mad, beats disabled daughter in front of Mother!

by Cagefighter 26 Replies latest social current

  • Diest

    Terrible....Kids got spanked where I lived, but nothing like some of you describe....Makes me want to cry, I did when I watched that video. This is why I am so against spanking children.

  • InquiryMan

    fortunately this has been banned in my country since the early 80s.

    Also, all references to phycial discipline in JW literature was removed from then on, in order to comply with the law.

    I also remember in my congregation that an elder spoke against such discipline from the platform.

  • james_woods

    Statute of limitations or not - this judge is under investigation:

    NBC, msnbc.com and news services
    CORPUS CHRISTI - A video that shows a Texas county judge repeatedly hitting his teenage daughter with a belt allegedly because of her Internet use has prompted a police investigation.

    Rockport, Texas, Police Chief Tim Jayroe said Wednesday that the probe was launched after numerous calls from people who saw the video uploaded onto YouTube.

    The investigation will look into claims by Hillary Adams, who says she set up a webcam in 2004 to catch what she called frequent beatings by her father, Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams.

    “Obviously it is a very disturbing video. We in my office as well as everyone on earth is taking a look at it, at this time,” Aransas County Attorney Richard Bianchi told the Houston Chronicle.

  • 144001

    James, they're claiming they're investigating him, because they want to appease an angry public, but I'd be amazed if the statute of limitations permits this judge to be prosecuted. This turd should be removed from the bench, and I hope an internet whacko hunts him down and treats him like he treated his daughter. I also agree with other posters here who said there seemed to be sexual overtones in the judge's words. This sicko has been put on paid leave and I hope he never returns to the bench.

  • skeeter1

    There's a statute of limitations, and a statute of repose. I hope the statute of repose kicks in. That's what allows some sexual abuse victims to sue for many, many years later. It goes on discovery of the event, not on when it happened.

    What makes this ever more terrible, is that this judge decided child abuse cases. How could he have given anyone a fair shake, with his twisted behavior. He thinks he did nothing wrong? What? I thought that it was clear that if one hit a child as to leave a mark, then it was child abuse. How could there be anything but marks on this girl's rear.

    Also, I couldn't watch the whole video. I found a person commenting on the video that said that somewhere in this video he turned on his wife, and beat her too!

    I hope they prosecute this man. I hope they give him "General Population." He'll get his justice! The prisoners will make sure of it.


  • NewChapter

    I heard today that under Texas law, he can still be prosecuted. I don't know the details, but he was a family court judge!

  • Bella15

    Gosh, that's the "discipline" I got while growing up JW... even when I try to forget I have scars in my body that reminds me of it almost everyday. It is awful to receive that kind of violence in the home, you have no one to come to your rescue - the last time I got spanked by my father I was almost 22 ... it was the worst because since I was a grown up, it was very diminishing, it could have been the perfect opportunity to spit venon at him and fight back ...

    This reminds me a few months ago, my fiance was playing with me and he said, come little girl I will give you a spanking and OMG it was like if I was a child again, like if dimensions were fighting with my present and for a split of a second I was afraid of him, and I cover my face and yelled NO, he kept on playing he didn't understand what I was going through ... flashback ...


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