But but but....humans have only been around for 6000 years.
Sad to say I used to actually beleive that! I'm probably not the only one here that did.
Something to do with indoctrination and brain washing from birth.
by Mickey mouse 27 Replies latest jw friends
But but but....humans have only been around for 6000 years.
Sad to say I used to actually beleive that! I'm probably not the only one here that did.
Something to do with indoctrination and brain washing from birth.
"The Appearance of Age"
The appearance of age in the things which God created is a much-debated issue in contemporary Christian scientific circles. Can God -- or more accurately -- would God create something which at the very moment of its creation has the appearance of age? The short answer to this question may be: How Else? How, indeed, could God create anything that did not appear to us to be aged (like a fine wine) at the moment of its creation.
Maybe that is Satan's tooth. He is a lot older than 6000 years you know.
are you a young earth creationist AG?
Do I think the physical world, including the earth, was created in six days? Yes, dear Q (peace to you!). Do I believe those six days to have consisted of 6 24-hour intervals? That is not what I have received from my Lord, so... no, I do not. Do I believe "a day is as a 1,000 years"? Yes... and no. Pursuant to the actual meaning and intended event of the statement (which has nothing to do with the creation and more to do with my Lord's time in the "grave" but which I am not permitted to expound further on at this time)... I do. With regard to the creative days... or a "day" being exactly 1,000 years... that is not what I have received from my Lord, so... no.
What kind of "creationist" this makes me is... well, unknown to me. While I do understand that the Most Holy One of Israel created the physical universe, I don't believe I am a "creationist" in the usual sense of the word (young or old). Most of them would probably take as much issue in what I know and have shared as you do. So, you probably shouldn't try to lump me in with the various "usual" camps of belief/religion/christianity, as I don't really "fit." Just stick with christian by means of an anointing with holy spirit when you think of me... without adding ANY of the other "stuff" folks tend to believe about and associate with "christians"... and you should do fine.
Shelby, that was a strange comment. Do you hav an issue with dating techniques?
Not always, dear CL (peace to you, as well!)... and not here. If I had an issue (I don't, really) it would be with claims of "human jawbones." I mean, given that there was a situation once where such a find was supposed to have provided the "missing link"... or something to that effect. Turned out to be a hoax, that, didn't it? But of course... we're humans... and quite brilliant... and so we only succumb to such contrivations and falsehoods once. They NEVER occur with us more than once. Right?
But pardon me, both - I was only being facetious; I had entirely forgotten that non-believers hold exclusive rights to that. Please forgive the transgression.
Again, peace to you, both!
A slave of Christ,
SA, who often marvels at the constant "heaviness" and pedantacy (sp?)... and would encourage some here to lighten up. Stress kills, dear ones. Nothing in this thread worth that...
AGuest, please don't answer that question.
Sorry to disappoint, dear Uber (as always, peace to you!).
I've laughed enough today.
Then you'd better head to the store: certainly wouldn't want you to run short on Depends.
SA, on her own...
the funny thing is when the same people will argue there is good evidence the universe is 6000 years old, and that god would have made the universe to look ~14bil years old.
Shelby - I wasn't sure if you were being facetious or not. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
You're quite welcome, dear CL (again, peace to you!)... and yeah, that IS funny, dear Bohm (peace to you, as well!)... and kind of contradictory/illogical. I don't know any such people personally, but I've not doubt they exist.
Again, peace to you, both!
A slave of Christ,
AGuest - stunningly incoherent , almost an art form. You seem desperate to tick any box that states 'none of the above.' If you need help you are a young earth creationist - you accept that the earth was created, that the creation period was not a geologically large time period and the creation date was geologically recent. All your whiffle waffle about how long a day is is fairly irrelevant to the simple answer asked for. Why must you sophisticate everything you say?
Turned out to be a hoax, that, didn't it
You are probably referring to piltdown man Shelby. This was dishonesty, and was exposed, but it does not negate science.