How many double agents are there?

by logical1 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth Rutherford
    Darth Rutherford

    I believe there are many, MANY double-agents here.

    Me and a buddy recently discussed actually getting "reactivated" again by going out in service; except we would just work together. At our doors, we would share the real truth about the WT. It was actually kind of fun to imagine doing so... and I must admit, it's mighty tempting.

    The only problem is: I finally have reached the point in my "fade-out" that the elders have totally left me alone. Getting reactivated would put me back at square-one again... and it would give them all hope that I've been redeemed. As I refaded, the relentless phone calls and emails would start all over. I just am not sure I want to go through all that again.

    But wouldn't it be great to go door-to-door again, teaching people the real truth about the WT! Would love to see the looks on peoples faces!

    Although, the talk by littletoe was truly inspirational. I saved it and love to listen to it. That almost makes me want to become a MS again, just so I can go out in a blaze of glory. I just don't think I can stomach the hypocrisy and politics a second time. Stepping down as an elder was such a wonderful feeling!


    The WBT$`s Biggest Fear..

    DUB-L Agent..

    They`re in Kingdom Halls everywhere..

    The WBT$ is Powerless to Stop them..


  • exwhyzee

    Me and a buddy recently discussed actually getting "reactivated" again by going out in service; except we would just work together.

    At our doors, we would share

    the real truth about the WT. It was actually kind of fun to imagine doing so... and I must admit, it's mighty tempting.

    You wouldn't have to become 'reactivated" It would be easy enough for you to follow a car group to the territory and knock on the same doors that were just called on, or the ones just ahead of where they are working and tell the householders your experience with the Witnesses or show them some of their old literature predicting the end of the world decades ago.

  • LoneWolf

    Teary Oberon --

    You aren't being fair, for you are showing the same judgmental attitude you were infected with while still in.

    Getting out is a process that takes a little time. The typical experience is to realize you have doubts and then investigate them. Most do that by getting information from different sources, especially opposing ones, and then examining the doubt in the light of this new information. That takes time.

    Once the doubt has been proven to have substance, the next step involves the realization that something has to be done about it. It's not a matter of simply leaving, but includes the need to find a place to go. Otherwise, the experience is much like jumping into a hole where you can't see the bottom. Most people need to know how deep it is, what you will be landing on, and whether the environment there will support life. To investigate this takes more time.

    And there is a third consideration. Most have loving families that are still in, and they realize that their actions will bring hardship on that family. No one likes that prospect, and the motivation must be strong indeed for such action to be taken. Therefore the doubts will have to have matured to the point of knowledge, of being convinced that they are accurate and urgent, and that this is the right course of action.

    Even when reaching this point, wise people will take the time to plan for the purpose of reducing the negative effect on those families. This is a very difficult job, but is possible, and the results can make the difference between night and day. This part can take up more time than all the rest put together.

    So don't be quick to judge those who haven't quite "let go" yet. We can't tell where they are in the "journey" described above, and have no right to pass judgment on them in some knee-jerk manner without having the intimate knowledge of their circumstances that only they would be aware of.


  • ABibleStudent

    Darth Rutherford - . . . The only problem is: I finally have reached the point in my "fade-out" that the elders have totally left me alone. Getting reactivated would put me back at square-one again... and it would give them all hope that I've been redeemed. As I refaded, the relentless phone calls and emails would start all over. I just am not sure I want to go through all that again. . . .

    Hi Darth Rutherford, do you still have those elder's email addresses? If you do, you could return their love by sending them anonymous emails like I wrote about in the thread . If you do not want to send them anonymous emails, then I would be glad to send them emails after sending you an email for your review first. I am hoping and praying to send an anonymous email(s) with information from the Victoria, Australia hearings when information is published in a newspaper and/or arrest warrents are issued for GB members and posted on an official government website.

    ExJWs don't have to be double-agents!! They just have to care enough to take action! They can always use their brains to plant seeds of doubts in JWs and write to newspapers to cover news worthy events, write to legislators to change tax/charity laws, and write loving and joyful emails to JW family and friends.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • shamus100

    Double agents?

    Okay, let's get something straight. Nobody, but NOBODY is going to change anyone's mind in the kingdumb hall, with a very few exceptions. Probably the best thing that one could do would be to resign your position from a public talk and shock the shit out of everyone (which has been done) but other than that, you aren't taking down a thing.

    Apostates are the boogieman of the WTBTS and they ingraine it in the minds of jobie nitwits and scare them.

    I think that double agent is dramatic. People stay in the high control group because they want to see family members; nothing more.

  • leavingwt

    In my comment above, I left out the word "not". I didn't notice my typ until the next day. It should have read:

    "The term Double Agent is probably not the best description."

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    If I started "reaching out" again I would be reappointed as an elder in a New York minute. I could easily become a "double agent" but as a human being I couldn't stomach it. Sadly, my life would be an even worse lie than it is.

  • LoneWolf

    shamus100 --

    I'm not picking on you here but I think you and others are mistaken in your feeling that our words have no effect on those within the congregations and elsewhere.

    As was mentioned in my post above, "coming out" is a long, drawn out process with many steps in it, most of which are not noticiable to anyone except the individual involved. I'll give you two things that would back this thought:

    First, how many people here on this board are ex-elders, ex-Bethelites, ex-missionaries, ex-pioneers, and so on? I think that the vast majority of them would tell you that their trip out involved many small steps and bits of evidence, and that they fought these for a long time, only to have them grow until they could no longer be ignored. We may be ignored or even condemned by those we speak to, but they will remember our words and they will become a part of the evidence that is building up in their minds and hearts.

    Secondly, if our words are so ineffective, then why is the Society itself so concerned about them? I think their round-house condemnation is a witness in itself as to the effectiveness of our efforts.


  • shamus100

    It happens from within, LoneWolf.

    The society keeps it's followers afraid of apostates because it's the only thing they have to keep you active in the face of all the evidence.

    True, you can help people see the light a little bit, but just like most persons in a high control group, they need to hit rock bottom before they can see the way out.

    Notice how there are a lot of generalizations there? Exactly. ;) My observations are generalized.

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