A Moment Of Truth For 'Illuminati' Types!

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    There is a very recent article about milliionaires in China who want out (in the Wall Street Journal) - to the US (first) , then Canada (second).

    I continue to hope that technological advances will severely compromise the centralized power of governments. Enough is enough.


  • hybridous


    You seem to be resting upon the presumption that such 'Illuminati' would be/are using existing mechanisms and structures to wield and increase their power. Therefore, we can see that the visible life span of these institutions are quite limited, so why would people bent on power employ broken tools....is that a fair paraphrase?

    I am challenging the first presumption, that any such group plans to use the existing structures and mechanisms. There is enough of a dependent class of humanity that upon the failure of these existing institutions, will wholly attach themselves to that which rises in their stead. Get it? It's not about the banks and goverments you see now.

    It's about what fills the vacuum after these fall.

  • hybridous

    Not to mention, this goes along way in explaining why every decision made regarding these instutions just further commits to stepping off the cliff.

    We sit here like buffoons and shake our heads and scream: 'Don't they see they're committing suicide?! This can't continue forever! Don't they see it?!'

    Um, yeah...they do. It's intentional.

  • metatron

    Uh..... I think you need to thoroughly flesh out your ideas and explain What You Think Comes Next. Also, why that Whatever will work to control a cynical, dissolute, consumerist mentality.....

    and finally, your unexplained developments depend upon a predictability that the string pullers can exploit - or that exists at all, if chaos theory holds sway.


  • JonathanH

    It's the banality of evil. Everyone wants there to be a villian at the top, some make him the devil, others make him human (or a group of humans), some make it aliens, but everybody wants there to be some character twirling their mustache and laughing maniacally. Such a view is very comforting, and it just feels like it makes sense. We're all so smart and hard working, why don't things turn out better? But the cold truth is that as a race we act irrationally, and not in any unified way. History repeats itself; civilizations rise and collapse, countries appear and disappear, economies grow and crash. It's not the will of secret organizations, or supernatural forces. It is merely the ticking of the biological clock, our deeply ingrained instinct to act in such a way that benefits ourselves, even to the detriment to those around us. And we do it without even realizing it, because that's what instinct is. As long as mankind keeps looking for boogiemen, and blaming invisible monsters for our problems, we will continue to ignore the problems that really ail us.

  • snare&racket

    Illuminati were scientists looking to discuss truths but could not due to the church. They had the ear of some powerful people as these were the onl people getting education. Again because of the church and threats to life, they had to remain...secret. The illuminati are our modern professors and doctors of science.

    The bildeburg group exists for sure. You can go and see them for yourself. Is it illegal for all the western heads of industry/media to meet up? No ... is it illegal for the western politicians to attend...yes. It is spooky? A little... but then I would expect these people that have garnered so much power and influence to meet together, in-fact it is probably an astute thing to do.. especially in financial crisis. If however this is anything more than a token meeting of heads of industry/media to discuss how best to serve people... then of course it is wrong. What makes me think otherwise is that these people could openly talk/debate/ ruin the world in private yet they very publicly meet once a year.

    Politics is the biggest issue. Our politicians are just faces, actors if you will. The bankers and industry behind them are the people pulling the strings. This has never been made more evident than with Obama. He clearly is NOT calling the shots. He is being left to hang out and dry whilst banks are fed our money, industry gains more tax cuts and the war machine rolls on making billions of dollars.

    In the Uk the politics is just as shallow. There were politicians that signed treaties on education at universities in order to get student votes, and on getting power did the exact opposite. They will never be liked or voted for again. But then the people behind the scenes dont care about that. They want the education kept for the elite.

    Regarding politics, we are nothing more than a work force for the 1% and the whole system is about to implode and leave behind the 99%.

    Has anyone noticed that CAPITALISM IS BANKRUPT and our countries are survivng from LOANS FROM COMMUNIST COUNTRIES.

    The rich and poor divide has never been greater.... I honestly think the OCCUPY movement is the start of something interesting. Prehaps we should Occupy Bethel ?

  • metatron

    Whoa, whoa whoa! Slow down.......

    Take care not to become uncritical about details. As they say, that's where 'the Devil is' !

    The Chinese are "Communists" in name only. They are crony Capitalists, mostly and vastly corrupt. They get away with bribery and corruption because there is only one chain of command entity to pay. Look, if you do business in India or Africa, you must pay off a huge number of officials - to a degree that may kill off whatever project you intended. In China, the single party system limits that.

    The Bilderbergers? Yes, they exist but they are self elevated jerks who can demand that lowly servants in hotels don't look them in the eye (once specified at a Bilderberg meeting) and have no great inspired plan for anything. John Kenneth Galbraith described their meetings as boring.

    Yes, our politicians are fakes, fall guys and actors.... but that's nothing new. A very long time ago, Benjamin Disraeli spoke of how politics was actually led behind the scenes by people the public does not suspect or notice. I add that actor Robert Redford noted that the politicians you see fighting are actually 'drinking buddies' and golf partners who are ACTORS! Example: UberLiberal Ted Kennedy needed a way to keep unsightly windmills from spoiling the view of Very Rich People in Mass. He got Uber- Corrupt-Conservative Ted Stevens in Alaska to find a way to regulate it away. Oh well..... And yes, Obama is very obviously a schmoe, a fall guy, an empty suit, a facade, what ever you want to call it. He has almost no practical skills whatsoever, other than reading a teleprompter.

    And finally, there is some emerging evidence that 1) the % of rich folks have declined in the US, 2) the ratio of wealth disparity is currently declining and 3) even if you confiscated ALL OF THE INCOME OF THE RICH, you wouldn't even come close to closing the yearly deficit, much less the national debt 'cause it's so huge!

    The New World Order types are frightened of a 'black swan' event that could destroy their elevated position - forever. That's why they hate the internet (no different from the WT cult leaders) and wish it would go away (too late!)


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