2010 Shepherd the Flock of God - guidance to elders on child abuse

by cedars 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I've recently had opportunity to examine certain sections of the 2010 "Shepherd the Flock of God" book, which is published exclusively for elders. There are strict rules in place to prevent its disclosure to those who aren't appointed as elders.

    I was particularly interested in what the book had to say on the subject of child abuse, given recent developments in Victoria, Australia.

    On first glance, it strikes one that perhaps some small improvements have been made in as much as the contacting of police or the authorities by the victims is not to be discouraged whatsoever - however, it isn't necessarily encouraged either, and it is regarded as a purely 'personal decision' with no congregational repercussions. However, a glaring ommission in this advice remains that elders are NOT advised to proactively encourage victims or their parents to contact the police, which is clearly what they should do in any case. The "first point of call" for elders continues to be the branch office.

    Here is what it says (bold is theirs):

    18. You should immediately call the branch office for direction if you learn of an accusation of child abuse, regardless of the age of the victim now or at the time of the alleged abuse, even if it occurred before the alleged perpetrator’s baptism. The branch office will then give direction based on the circumstances involved in each situation.

    19. Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. Elders will not criticize anyone who reports such an allegation to the authorities. If the victim wishes to make a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so.-Gal. 6:5

    What was truly shocking about this book was the advice given regarding "one witness" accusations of child abuse. As has been noted by almost everyone, there are hardly EVER any scenarios involving child abuse where two witnesses are present. The two witness rule give elders 'carte blanche' to dismiss any accusations of events that occurred behind closed doors. So what happens if someone who has been the subject of a "one witness" accusation of child abuse decides to move congregation? Again, the branch office is the first point of call.

    Here is the direction (underlined is mine):

    21. In a case in which a brother denies an allegation of child abuse and he has been accused by only one witness, the following direction is given if he moves to another congregation. The elders should consult the branch office before sending any information regarding the accusation to the elders in the new congregation. It would be helpful if your letter to the branch office provided a detailed summary of the matter and explained the spiritual condition and personal circumstances of the accused and the accuser. With regard to the accused, the following questions should be answered: (1) What is his interaction with children? (2) Does he admit to any activity with the accuser that could have been misinterpreted by the accuser as sexual abuse, or does he claim to have a poor memory of the accusation? (3) What is his response to why the accuser has made the allegation? (4) Has he had to be counselled for any other matters of a sexual nature, such as inappropriate conduct with adult sisters or pornography? (5) What is the level of his spirituality? (6) Do all the elders on the body believe that he can be trusted with children? The following questions should be answered with regard to the accuser: (1) What is the level of maturity of the child or youth? (2) Is he (or she) describing conduct that one his age would not normally know about? (3) Is the child or his parents known to be serious, mature? (4) Is his memory consistent, or is it intermittent, or does it involve repressed memories? (w95 11/1 pp. 25-26) (5) What is the reputation of the parents? (6) Are they spiritually and emotionally mature? After carefully considering the matter, the branch office will then give you direction as to what information about the allegation should be shared, if any, with the elders of the new congregation.

    This direction obviously raises more questions than answers! First off...

    • Why isn't the new congregation automatically entitled to receive information that someone has been at least accused of child abuse in the past?
    • Why should the branch office be consulted AT ALL in such a situation, given that they have no personal knowledge of the alleged wrongdoer, and they are not a legal authority?

    We then have the bizarre criteria for information to be included in the letter to the branch office about the ACCUSED:

    1. How can the congregation elders possibly have full details of all of the alleged abuser's interractions with children? Are they to follow them around 24 hours a day? And as far as the branch is concerned, what does this have to do with whether or not information should be passed to the new congregation?
    2. What difference does it make whether or not he admits the incident - shouldn't the new congregation be made aware regardless?
    3. How are his feelings about possible motives behind the accusation relevant to the branch office in deciding whether information should be disclosed to the new congregation?
    4. Again, why is this relevant in making a decision that shouldn't be theirs to make in the first place?
    5. What does the level of one's spirituality have to do with his or her propensity to abuse children? Does this mean that if the accused is reporting hours in double figures each month and regularly commenting at meetings then he would not be considered a risk?
    6. Surely it is irrelevant whether or not the elders believe he would abuse children again. If he has abused and succesfully 'covered up' with only his victim having knowledge of the incident, then surely the instincts and gut feelings of his local elders are superfluous?

    The questions regarding ACCUSERS are even more ridiculous, and give you the impression that the Society are actively looking to discredit their claims, irrespective of how truthful they may be:

    1. What does the level of maturity have to do in considering any accusation? Does this mean that an "immature child" is fair game? The last time I checked, children were immature by definition.
    2. How can the conduct being described by the victim be classed as something that he or she should "not normally know about"? Is this an attempt at insinuating that the alleged claims are fictitious, and have been suggested to them by their parents for nefarious purposes? Why would any parent do this? Surely MOST instances of child abuse, particularly with very young children, would involve things that they were previously unfamiliar with? Just what planet are the Society on??!
    3. Why does it matter whether the parents of the child are known to be serious or mature? Does this mean that if they are immature or care-free then the attack probably never took place?
    4. Why is it down to the branch office to deliberate over the "repressed memories" of former probable victims?
    5. Again, what does the reputation of the parents have to do with anything? If they have a terrible reputation, does this mean that the child is making it all up?
    6. What does the spiritual and emotional maturity of the child have to do with whether or not they were abused?

    I could scarcely believe what I was reading when I first read the above. The more I mull it over, the more shocking it gets. I feel it just serves to demonstrate how hopelessly disconnected the Society are from the seriousness of child abuse, and how obviously under-qualified they are to assume any role in the investigation of child abuse claims, let alone the prominent role on which they insist.

    Thoughts please!


  • undercover

    Legal mumbo jumbo to protect the organization. Victim's rights and well-being is not as important as protecting the WTS from bad press and legal ramifications.

    But the counsel to immediately call the branch when an accusation is made actually works in favor of anyone who files lawsuits against elders/WTS. This clause in the official handbook shows a hierarchial arrangement. Local elder bodies answer to a higher source. It's right there in print... "Call the branch for direction".

    Even if an elder body errs in how it handles a child abuse case and it results in a lawsuit, the WTS can be dragged in as a defendent. And if the elder body did err and the damages are awarded, it's the WTS coffers that end up being dipped into, not the local elders.

    It's a vicious circle for them. Leave local elders to their own devices and they'll fuck up for sure. Direct them how to act and react, and you've created a chain of command. And elders will still fuck up. And lawsuits will still be filed.

  • cedars

    Thanks undercover, well observed. It is eye-opening to see it all in black and white in the most recent handbook available. What I don't understand is, why don't the Society AND the elders distance themselves entirely from ANY involvement in these cases? Why not ENCOURAGE victims to contact the police immediately, and 'suspend' the accused from involvement in any activities that would bring him into contact with children pending the results of the police investigation? Then surely there would be no lawsuits at all, because nobody would have the opportunity to mess up?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The Borg leadership is incredibly paranoid and misogynistic. The issue was originally brought to light by an intelligent, hard-working woman. The victims (the Borg calls them "accusers") are mostly little girls (though there are certainly a good number of little boys that are molested, too). The Ted Jaracz types in the leadership are like, "I'll be damned if I'm going to let a woman tell us what's wrong with our policies and make us look bad in public! Besides, it's just a few little girls, and we all know how women can exaggerate stories, right guys?" <old men chuckling and nodding in agreement>

    I think their intransigence on this issue is as simple as that. They're stubborn as hell. Look at how they hang on to 1914. They resist sudden change even when it is clearly in their best interests to do so. On the other hand, they are in a constant state of change and adaptation and noo lite formation. But it is gradual, so gradual that faithful JWs don't even realize that "the truth" their kids are learning is nothing like "the truth" that their grandparents learned.

  • cedars

    Thanks Mad Sweeney - you raise a good point, which is that few would be aware of these issues, or perhaps even consider the full ramifications of them, were it not for the sterling work of Barbara Anderson in shining a huge light on this topic. It does smack of misogynism that the Society refuse to back down on this issue in the face of all reason for fear of appearing to have been scoulded by a woman - a woman who has shown herself to be far more competant when it comes to addressing these issues than they have.

  • sabastious
    How can the conduct being described by the victim be classed as something that he or she should "not normally know about"? Is this an attempt at insinuating that the alleged claims are fictitious, and have been suggested to them by their parents for nefarious purposes? Why would any parent do this? Surely MOST instances of child abuse, particularly with very young children, would involve things that they were previously unfamiliar with? Just what planet are the Society on??!

    The child knowing more about sex than children of similar ages could actually be used as evidence of abuse. Say, if a 4 year old knows about oral sex, it could be because the child was abused. I don't think they are talking about just parent cover ups.


  • cedars

    Hi sabastious - thanks for explaining that, you may be right there. I still think it's a weird criteria to add in trying to determine the legitimacy of any claim. A child could have been abused whether they would "normally" know about what has happened to them, or not.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    a smell some law suits

  • sabastious

    Cedars, the flock book is chock full of rules with no explanations. It shows how much they trust their Elder bodies...


  • Listener

    That is the conclusion I draw as well Sabastious - that it shows they do not trust the elders.

    After carefully considering the matter, the branch office will then give you direction as to what information about the allegation should be shared, if any, with the elders of the new congregation.

    Interesting that a whole paragraph is devoted in their book to an elder moving to another congregation. It would seem that this tactic (of moving an elder) is still one of their solutions. And why is this instruction strictly confined to an elder and not an MS or any other bro/sis?

    Why shouldn't the elders in the new congregation be fully informed about the matter? If the elder has still retained his position then it should be automatically assumed by the new congregation that the Society has full faith in this elder and therefore they are doubting that the elders in the new congregation will see it this way. Pretty damning on elders and the trust that they have in their spiritual outlook.

    But what does this say about the accused? Wouldn't he want to tell the new congregation of the situation, if he is innocent then his humility (of which he should have in abundance) would draw him into wanting to share his experiences in open honesty with them, it could do no harm but rather the opposite. What is the society trying to protect him from? The new elders? How absurd. Or is it really? It does raise the question as to why they can't trust the elders and how immature they really are. Certainly for the elder to be able to deal with this issue in the new congregation requires himself and the other elders to demonstrate respect and understanding.

    If he is guilty then the Society has made a grave error in not fully informing the other elders.

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