2010 Shepherd the Flock of God - guidance to elders on child abuse

by cedars 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That book came out after I'd been removed. I made an issue of this with my dad and we went through the book to find this.

    I went into a huge rant that the POLICE must be called FIRST. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE BRANCH! The victim needs to get police help ASAP to inspect the scene and get the victim to the hospital. Forensic evidence and examinations can be done to establish facts. Elders and the branch are not qualified to handle these circumstances.

    A crime has been committed. If there was a traffic wreck, would you call the branch? If somebody was robbed, would you call the branch? If a child gets raped, why the hell would anybody call the branch?

    And now the branch says that it can't handle letters asking specific questions about JW beliefs, yet somehow the branch is able to handle criminal investigations? Is this a religious organization or a law firm?

    What the hell?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The Catholics have the CYO-- Catholic Youth Organization

    Jehovahs Witnesses have the CYA-- Cover Your Ass!

  • ScenicViewer

    Is this a religious organization or a law firm?

    I think it's all about legal positioning, making sure the organization is protected from law suits as much as possible. Could this be the real reason to inform the Society first? Victims and people will always come second.

    So, it's a law firm. It's very legalistic. It's legal dept is big and powerful. It's first course of action is to cover its legal bases.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Is this a religious organization or a law firm?

    That is the best question to date

  • wobble


  • ziddina


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