Are you sure joining or staying is a wise decision? Lurkers think twice. Part 1

by NewChapter 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DesirousOfChange

    Every pm I have ever received has confirmed how happy the individual was to walk away from the evil cesspool of the WT.

    There are obviously many members of JWN who are NOT totally happy about the circumstances they find themselves in after leaving the bOrg. Obviously, loss of association with family and friends is the ONE major complaint. Another might be about "lost time" one spent slaving in the Truth (TM) . Anyone who chooses to formally DA likely knows that this will be one of the inevitable results of making that decision. Anyone who is DFd suffers that as well, though not by choice. And it seems that some "Faders" or some who just "go inactive" are feeling some shunning as well, but I think most do not.

    IF all of your family and most of your close friends are all active JWs, then I can see the reasonableness of staying in for the benefit of association with those family and long as your choice in lifestyle has no great conflict with JW principles. (Otherwise you're gonna get DFd anyway unless you keep it all on the downlow.) Many people seem to be able to "keep one foot in the door" at the KH and derive the benefits they desire from remaining associated, while (pret;ty much) just ignoring the things that they don't like.

    For example, choosing to go to college or to support your kids choice to go to college. You might not be able to be an Elder/MS/Pioneer, but you can still make that decision without much ostricizing. LOTS of JW kids in our area are going to college. Nursing. Teaching. Accounting. At least one I know pursuing a doctorate in her career path. Many of the parents still have their positions. The WTS view of higher education was the single largest complaint in Cedars' poll.

    Doctrinally, you can believe or ignore whatever you want. Don't want to go D2D? Stay a low hour pub and fake it like most pioneers fake most of their hours. Don't believe the "overlap" crap? Then don't believe it. Don't believe the HS Direction BS? Then don't believe it. JUST DON'T TALK ABOUT IT. Smile at the occasional meeting. Get the obligatory 2-4 hours. Enjoy the social opportunities (although I admit I about gag listening to some of the propaganda crap anymore). But it's easy to stay with the other "fringe" people (who are likely just "keeping one foot in the door" just like you).

    Only if you hit the BLOOD issue or something like that head on do you face a major Crisis of Conscience (to borrow that famous phrase). Excepting that, I wonder if some are not enjoying the benefits while ignoring the obligations/drudgery that they don't like.

    If you were DFd, you didn't make a choice. If you DA, it may have been the path of least resistance, if "they were onto you" and DFing was looming anyway.

    BUT if you were getting by covertly, staying on the downlow, and chose to DA anyway.....Do you regret that decision?

    LURKERS: If you're still a "FADER"...........are you able to happily live the "double life" and (as they would say in AA) "take what you want and leave the rest" thereby maintaining connections with family & friends, but without any real harmful consequences to you personally?


  • NewChapter

    It's up to the individual how to handle their exit. Everyone must weigh the consequenses and benefits of each decision. But we have a poster on a twin thread that is using JW bully tactics, scare tactics, and misrepresenting facts in order to frighten insecure ones into staying.

    If you are one of those, just drop by. Tell us about it. Insecurity is a normal part of the process, and pushing through it leads to growth. Don't let trolls who desire to keep you submissive by hook or by crook affect your decision. The WT has lied to you about us. We come from across the spectrum, with different levels of happiness. But by far, we are extremely happy for making the decision to claim our freedom.


  • ScenicViewer

    The longer people stay in the Watchtower, the more problems they have after leaving. Those who leave sooner have far fewer problems.


    Because the longer you are in the more friendships you develop, and the more family you have in the religion. When you leave, even if it's for a good reason, those friends and family are instructed to shun you. It's this treatment -- the same treatment that most cults give -- that leads to the depression that causes some to harm themselves.

    The Watchtower is not a lifesaver. It is a killer.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    Stay Alive till 75........2075 that is.............


    After getting away from that Crazy WBT$/JW Cult..

    Life has never been better..


  • ziddina


    I FINALLY found this thread!

    Giving it a great big huge BUMP!!!


  • ziddina
    "Ask yourself, would it have not been wiser for this amazing young woman to have woke up to the bullshit she was fed from infancy and realized that this organization was putrid trashl? She could have gone on to enjoy that precious new child and raise him...."

    Oh, crap...

    And now the poor child is being browbeaten into being a member of the very cult that killed his mother... Being deprived of a normal childhood, a chance to go to college, opportunities to obtain decent employment and a secure financial future...

  • finallysomepride

    zid, you using my name in vain again


  • Sobeit

    Staying is not being honest. The freedom of being honest with yourself comes with

    a strength building character that grows and grows as seen in these many posts of

    former JW's.

  • WTWizard

    Joining or staying on this forum is a wise decision--if only to get a wider viewpoint on the religion that has ruined so many lives. Joining and/or staying in that religion was a stupid decision, one that could not be made if people had all the information.

    This is why it is so vital to get all the pertinent information, from both sides of the story, before making a major decision. Whether it be which college to attend, whether or not to join a religion, moving to another town or state (or country), buying a house or renting, or signing a legal contract, you are best served if you do all the homework from all sides of the story. Get the pro-side from as many sources as possible, and then look for the opposing viewpoint and do the same thing. Only then can you make a decision that will have a reasonable chance of being right for you. And yes, I regret the decision I made to become a Jehovah's Witless.

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