I have not read all of your posts as the pages have went on for so long, (and as you have pointed out it shows how many people have viewed them thus you are must be right.) Your thought from what I have read is to just stay and shut your mind off. Go out in service and stay to keep the peace to keep your family. Oh sure there are problems in the religion you admit but the pain of leaving is so much that people are committing suicide over it and so it is so much better just to stay and shut you mind off, just go with the flow.
How do you do that?
Sometimes I wish I could have done it, just lived in that little bubble but I had so much pain inside the religion it was unreal. I was a reg pioneer, elders wife, was at Bethel, etc. I lived the truth with every ounce of my being, I gave my all. One thing I found was that I was never able to really fit in. I was never included in the lives of the members. I was always an outsider as there is so much intermarrying in the religion and I never intermarried. My husband came in in his early 20's and I my parents were only truly around the "truth." The elders did not like them so I was discarded as unworthy. I thought I would show the elders that I really did have a true love for Jehovah but the elders never believed me no matter how hard I tried.
All the elders body's in every hall I have been in have been related to each other. Fathers, sons, sons-in-law all in the same body.
When my husband who was an elder at the time had a heart attack at the meeting, no one even offered to take me to the hospital much less call an ambulance. No one came up to the hospital after the meeting expect just one elder, no one called the next day AT ALL. It was a MAJOR HEART ATTACK! He very well could have died the doctor told me. Yet the next week the body had him back conducting the service school even though he was still not feeling well as none of the others on the body wanted to do it and they were all related to each other.
I have meet for feild service and have been told that the car groups have all ready been formed by you guess it family memebers together and there was no room for me. This happened in all the halls I have been in not just one.
I have been so suicidal inside the religion that I used to day dream of slitting my wrists while pioneering to see if anyone would notice.
I passed out once in field service and the sister I was with just left me to wake up on my own.
When I found this board everything clicked and made sense as to why I have suffered depression so much my whole life.
I know have critical thinking skills I never had before. Not just from this board but from thinking for myself and realizing that everything the religion said was not always true.
As far as the lives of Richard Dawkin's and Stephen Hassen have you read about the lives of your guru Charlies Taze Russell "he couldn't even keep a marriage responsibly." Or have you read of the life of Judge Rutherford? "Was he an exemplary figure to follow." I do not mean for you to check the sight here or from the WT's literature about Charlies or the Judge but to really check it the facts from outside sources, to use the brain that Jehovah gave you to truly think for yourself?
So I was just wondering how do you stop your mind from thinking mankkeli since that is what you are recommending so many to do?